One More Cognitive Step Away From the Temple

The main area designed for the general Jewish population in the Beis Hamikdash (including sometimes women) was known as עזרת ישראל. The women’s section (again, not just for women) was known as עזרת נשים. Today the women’s section in the synagogue (our mini-Temple) is likewise known as the “Ezras Nashim”, which is simple to remember. But the original Temple is being forgotten. I now see signs referring to the main hall as עזרת גברים…

Belief in God is the Foundation of All Knowledge

He who does not believe in God believes in everything!

  • Yeshayahu Leibowitz

Likewise from Wikiquote:

Incrédules les plus crédules. Ils croient les miracles de Vespasien, pour ne pas croire ceux de Mose.

The incredulous are the most credulous. They believe the miracles of Vespasian that they may not believe those of Moses.

By the way, we referenced the above article in our free, special ebook on answering atheists. To receive the full Hebrew ebook, subscribe to Hyehudi’s Daily Newsletter here.

Daddy, Why Do I Have to Wear a Yarmulke?

The famous Taz Orach Chaim 61:3 in explaining why head-covering for men is obligatory (in Devarim Shebekdusha) says this:

ומכל מקום נראה דעכשיו שחוק שלהם הוא כן ודאי יש אפילו איסור בזה משום ובחוקותיהם לא תלכו

I understand this to mean one may not specifically uncover one’s head for prayer like the Cursedians do, but there is no problem to leave it uncovered; how can there be a prohibition of “Bechukoseihem” (following non-Jewish idolatrous customs) on doing nothing (Shev ve’al ta’aseh)?!

חוברת ‘להעמיד על האמת’ אודות שלמה אבינר

החוברת הועלתה לכאן מכיון שהאתר המקורי בו הופיע הפסיק לפעול. אם אתבקש, החוברת תורד.

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מתוך אתר “”. כדי לראות צילומי מסך מאורכבים של האתר (נראה לי), אני ממליץ לבדוק כאן.

From For archived screenshots of the site (I think), check out this.