החפץ חיים על ריכוזיות מול ביזור

ראה כאן משל יפה של החפץ חיים מחשמל לענין צדקה. כח המשל יפה אף לשאר שאלות הריכוזיות – ואין לך “ריכוזיות במשק” גדולה מן הממשלה עצמה, שאוסרת על התחרות נגדה בכל תחום שהוא. הדפים נלקחו מספר “חפץ חיים על התורה” על פרשת ראה באתר היברובוקס, כאן.

הדברים נמצאים בהערה בשולי העמוד. דף 1:

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דף 2:

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The Situation Today on the Temple Mount

In “Uncomfortable Questions For Comfortable Jews” Rabbi Meir Kahane tells of a Jewish fellow who wished to get into the synagogue on the High Holidays without paying for a seat. Nu. So he tells the guard he only wishes to speak to someone inside (get it?). “Fine”, says the guard. “Go in and speak to your friend. But if I catch you praying I’ll throw you out!”

Before Egalitarian Political Correctness Overturned Common Sense

Note: Part of the following quote is Cursedian heresy, but the main point is still valid.

To be sure, before the world one person is properly accounted nobler than another by reason of his birth, or smarter than another because of his intelligence, or stronger and more handsome than another because of his body, or richer and mightier than another in view of his possessions, or better than another on account of his special virtues. For this miserable, sinful, and mortal life must be marked by such differentiation and inequality; the requirements of daily life and the preservation of government make it indispensable. But to strut before God and boast about being so noble, so exalted, and so rich compared to other people — that is devilish arrogance.

  • Martin Luther, “On the Jews…”