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Do Anti-Zionists Hate the State?

Sadly, the anti-Zionists are not truly anti-statist. In their view, we ought to have all the same structures under the management of Mashiach instead. They lack sound economics, they lack hatred for the state apparatus, they lack sufficient interest in libertarian historical revisionism and conspiracy theory, etc.

A cutting remark by Rabbi Yitzchak Ze’ev Soleveichik brings this to the fore:

The Brisker Rav once pointed out to Rav Amram Blau that even the fiercest anti-Zionists often act as though they are living in a Jewish state in which they need not worry about the harsh responses they would receive for similar acts in chutz l’Aretz.

UPDATE: Rabbi Blau answered back he indeed intended to give up his life (מסירות נפש) at every protest. Of course, this rings a bit false in light of all the youngsters who accompanied him. (The original “chutz l’Aretz” example was the Soviet Union, but I don’t think this matters.)