Joke About Bevin Netanyahoo

The Prime Minister and members of his staff from the Knesset went for a tour to see the situation of various State institutions. Their first stop was at the local school. They see that the walls were falling apart, the books were old and outdated and the roof was leaking. The principal cried to the PM that they needed money for the basic renovations. Yet, the PM sadly told him that right now it was a difficult situation for the country and there was no money in the budget for this.

Their next stop was to the local university. There as well the President of the University showed how lack the security was and outdated, how the computers were old and failing and how the yards and landscaping was all over run. Again the Prime Minister sadly told him that there was no extra funds to allocate to them as the budget for the country was very tight.

Finally their last stop was to the local prison. There the warden gave them a tour and showed them the shabby matresses and smelly bed sheets, the leaky broken  air conditioning system and how the Television and entertainment center was always on the blink. Immediately the Prime Minister said that he would take care of the problem and within a few minutes he informed them that repair men were on the way and new beds, sheets and even hi screen TVs were coming as well. When asked by his staff member who was shocked how this could happen. Bibi eloquently explained

School we finished already, College I don’t think we’ll ever be going to, but prison on the other hand….”

Found here.

לבני ברק אין שום הבטחת הגנה מהחזו”א, ק”ו לא מקומות אחרים

הנה מודעה שפרסמו לפני יום\יומיים (מסתמא בגיבוי רבניהם):

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מבלי להרחיב על מה שנכון שם, הרי מה שנתלו באילן גדול טעות גמור. מרן החזו”א ז”ל התכון (אם אמר זאת) שזכותו הגדולה מצילה על מקום המצאו, ותו לא.
תמיד לעצמו הוא דורש בלשונות “כאן” או “בני ברק”. וזהו “וכן המנהג בישוב החדש” שביעית סי’ כ’ לפני חלק “דיני שביעית בשדות נכרים”, וכן בדינים והנהגות פרק י”ח סי’ י”א גבי צחצוח נעליים בחוה”מ, וכן מה שמסופר על “מנהג” להמנע ממלאכה בערב פסח גם לפני חצות, ועוד ועוד. גם תלמידי החזו”א נוקטים לשון דומה בכמה מקומות.
ועוד, מה זה שייך לאחר מות החזו”א?! ומה זה שייך במקו”א?!
ועוד לצטט זאת לאחר פטירת מי שהרחיב את ה”הבטחה” המקורית שלא היתה…
(ואיני בקי בהיסטוריה, אבל שמעתי שיש לדון מטעם הכחשת החוש. לא עשיתי מחקר על כל זה ברשת.)
אפשר רק לדמיין כיצד היה הרמב”ם מגיב אם היה שומע על זה…

אגב, תחת לכתוב כותרת נוסח “חרובי קרתא”, למה שלא יכתבו לשון “פרסאי דמגנו עלוון” (ע”ז ט”ז’ א’), אה?

[גם זה לא נכון לע”ד, עכ”פ בימינו, ולא באתי אלא לתמוה עליהם לטעמייהו של חסרי טעם ודעת.]

R’ Miller: When Rabbis Are Accused of Being Too Loyal to Torah, Goren Offers His Candidacy?!

From Toras Avigdor:


What is your opinion about the recent election of Rabbi Goren as the new Chief Rabbi in Israel?


Last week I spoke about this already. But in case somebody didn’t hear me, I’ll repeat it because it’s important. The election of the new Chief Rabbi in Israel is a national misfortune. And that’s really enough said. These two persons should have refused to run against two older rabbis [Rav Issar Yehuda Unterman and Rav Yitzchak Nissim]. Two older rabbis against whom there were no accusations except that they were too frum. And those accusations are not even true anyways. When old Rabbis are accused of being of being too loyal to the Torah then nobody should have dared to be a candidate. And anybody who was elected on such grounds is, is – I don’t want to say what he is.

TAPE # 1 (October 1973)

Why They Fight Us (Rabbi Yitzchak Hutner)

Excerpt from Mishpacha Magazine:

While Yishmael possesses spiritual merit, Hashem explicitly promised Avraham that “lo yirash ha’am hazeh, this nation (of Yishmael) will not inherit the Land” — not then, not now, and not ever.

This painful realization on the part of Yishmael has led to them spilling rivers of Yiddishe blood and perpetrating indescribable horrors, but none of that will change the facts on the ground. This Land will never belong to them.

Many years ago, there was a time when Arab terrorists were hijacking planes going to and from Eretz Yisrael and holding Jewish passengers hostage. One such hijacking, in Elul 5730/1970, targeted the rosh yeshivah of Yeshiva Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, Rav Yitzchok Hutner, along with his family and some students. The hostages were held for several weeks, and the entire Torah world was galvanized to do everything possible to ensure the safe return of Rav Hutner.

At the time, the father of one of my childhood friends and neighbors was not only a very prominent pulpit rabbi in the Bronx, he was also a well-connected person in Washington. In addition, Rabbi Shalom Rubin had been one of the first students of Yeshiva Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin. Rabbi Moshe Sherer z”l, the legendary askan and head of Agudath Israel, led the efforts to save Rav Hutner, who was not in good health at the time. Rabbi Sherer called Rabbi Rubin and authorized him to travel to Washington and reach out to all his contacts, to bring international pressure on the countries responsible for this tragedy and to work for the release of the Rosh Yeshivah.

After several weeks of nonstop shtadlanus at the highest levels, word came that the Rosh Yeshivah and his family and several students had been released and were en route to the United States. Due to his integral role in this effort, Rabbi Rubin was given permission to go onto the tarmac to be one of the first to meet the Rosh Yeshivah. Rabbi Rubin called his son Moshe, who was in my home at the time, and told him to get ready as he would be picking him up to come with him to greet the Rosh Yeshivah — and he invited me to come along.

As we were waiting for the plane to come to a stop at the gate, we saw the door to the terminal open and watched as the gadol hador, Rav Moshe Feinstein ztz”l, took his place as the first to greet Rav Hutner upon his arrival. From my vantage point, I watched the Rosh Yeshivah emerge from the plane in very weakened condition, and I saw Rav Moshe literally run to him. They hugged each other while crying with much emotion and relief. I saw Rav Hutner whisper something to Rav Moshe, who nodded his head in agreement, and then Rav Hutner was escorted to the waiting ambulance.

On the way back home, I asked Rabbi Rubin what Rav Hutner had told Rav Moshe. He answered that Rav Hutner said, “I looked into the eyes of the captors and saw in them the burning anger at the fact that ‘lo yirash ha’am hazeh,’ they will never inherit the Land.”

See the rest of the article here…