The Lubavicher Rebbe on Collecting Tzedaka

Fundraising and Fraud

“It is not proper to collect money in Israel for institutions that are outside of Israel. The money is needed in Israel. Additionally, every tzedaka fund should have separate people as its fundraiser and director. When it comes to peoples’ money given to tzedaka, one needs to be extremely careful to make sure that people will not be suspicious of fraud. This concern is in addition to bearing in mind what G-d says about the use of tzedaka funds.”

[Igros Kodesh Lubavitcher Rebbe vol. 21 letter 8165]

Two signatures required

“I was satisfied to hear that your tzedaka institution requires two signatures on any cheque written. This is in accordance with the instruction of our holy sages.”

[Igros Kodesh Lubavitcher Rebbe vol. 21 letter 7978]
Excerpted from Shirat Devorah, here.

Against War (and Feuds)

War: first, one hopes to win; then one expects the enemy to lose; then, one is satisfied that the enemy too is suffering; in the end, one is surprised that everyone has lost.


שתי דוגמאות קלות להתירים תמוהים באחרונים

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ראה בקובץ הנ”ל מקורות לדברים הבאים:

“אם אין מלח יכולים לטבול את פרוסת המוציא בסוכר, כי מלח ממתיק וסוכר ממתיק. (“אלף כתב” בשם ה”מכתב סופר” בשם החת”ס).”

או שיש כאן תימה במה שקיבלו שמועה רחוקה כל כך או שיש תימה בכך שהשמועה אמת.

וגדולה מזו, שהיו שהתירו למלוח בשר בסוכר או לא הטריפו את הכלים, ראה באורך בקובץ המצורף.

אילו היה בזה לחץ ציבורי “למצוא” היתר, היה אפשר לדמות הדבר לשאר הקלונות שלנו, דוגמת שטר שבת, חדש בחו”ל, עירובין ברשות הרבים דאורייתא, פאה נכרית וכו’. אך מה נעשה בהיתר זה שהורתו בלא דחק עניות, והמשכו בהצדקת הוראת רבנים קודמים ב”קלריקליזם” יהודי?!

Wake Up and Be a Jew! (Yiddish Song)

Old Yiddish Song – Gevalt Sh’breeder Vos Shloft ir שיר יידיש גװאַלד זשע ברידער

[Video currently missing on YouTube.]

שיר יידיש

גװאַלד זשע ברידער, װאָס שלאָפֿט איר? אײנס, צװײ, דרײַ, פֿיר ס’איז שוין צײַט צו זאָגן תּהילים (גײן דאַװנען, גײן לערנען, זײַן ייִדן) אײנס, צװײ, דרײַ, פֿיר נישט קײן תּהילים, נאָר געשלאָפֿן! צו װאָס טויגסטו אויף דער װעלט? מיט װאָס װעסטו קומען אויף יענער װעלט? הער זיך אײַן, ייִדעלע. אוי, הער זיך אײַן, מײַן זיס ייִדעלע, מײַן טײַער ייִדעלע… נאָר הער זיך אײַן מיט אַ סך האַרץ, מיט אַ סך נשמה. אויב נישט קײן תּהילים (…) ביסטו נישט קײן ייִד. און אויב דו ביסט נישט קײן ייִד, איז נאָר געשלאָפֿן

The last stanza is a loving and heartfelt cry for us to listen, to listen deeply with a lot of heart, with a lot of soul … ‘If you’re not saying Tehilim, if you’re not davening, if you’re not learning, and you are only sleeping, then you’re not (living as) a Yid, you’re not (being) a Yid. And if you’re not being a Yid, what is your value in this world, what will you bring with you to the Coming World?’

Loosely translated this means; “It’s awesome brother, it’s awesome (time)! Brother, what are you doing sleeping? It’s time to say Tehillim, it’s time to daven, it’s time to learn! So why are you sleeping? If you’re not saying Tehillim, if you’re not davening, if you’re not learning, and you are only sleeping, what is your purpose in this world, what will you come [bring with you] to next world?”

Israeli Gun Bureaucracy – Murdering Jews by Proxy

Read this enlightening article by Honenu to find out how the state robs its Jews of self-defense.

One recent case:

In February 2016 a member of a rapid response squad in a Yehuda/Shomron community turned to Honenu for assistance after receiving an announcement that his gun license had been revoked because of a case that had been opened against him four years earlier for his conduct in handling an incidence of terrorist infiltration to his community. The case was closed very quickly because he was found to have acted properly. However four years later someone decided to cancel his gun license because the police have a case, albeit closed, on record against him.

Almost certainly his weapon will eventually be returned to him once the process of appeals is complete, however the process involves lengthy forms, filing appeals, and enduring postponements that last months, and can last up to and over a year, despite the fact that all parties involved with the decision are fully aware that there were no grounds to revoke the gun license.

Any doubt this is purposefully perpetrated from above? Disarming Jews while giving Arabs the weapons to kill them with is what Israeli politicians are historically great at.

Check out Honenu here.