Revisionist Jewish History

Start with “Doros Harishonim” by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Halevi. Less revisionist than Graetz, etc. whom he wrote to debate, but also often disagreeing with the Rishonim, because, as he says, לא הייתה מעין מלאכתן בכך. Which is why the Chazon Ish didn’t like his work much (I hope to discuss this further later on).

State Arab Murder Trials Are a Farce

When a non-Jewish murderer of Jews is sent to jail in Israel, let’s stop pretending his prison term means anything. “Given a life sentence!” “Ten life sentences!” “Court recommends … never be released” We are supposed to rejoice and bear good will toward the judges (especially since 99% are Arabs and lefties)…

How silly.

We all know a prisoner exchange is all it takes for the state to free the “lifer” to murder more Jews (Surprise!). It’s only a matter of time, and not much time, at that.

Of course, jail itself is part welfare, too, but that’s a topic for another time.