אליטיזם באדרא

ז”ל זוהר הקדוש ח”ג דף קל”ה א’:

מכאן אוליפנא, כל רישא דעמא דלא אתתקן הוא בקדמיתא, לית עמא מתתקנא, ואי איהו מתתקן כלהו מתתקנן, ואי איהו לא מתתקן בקדמיתא לא יכלין עמא לאתתקנא. מנלן, מעתיק יומין, דעד לא אתתקן הוא בתקונוי, לא אתתקנו כל אינון דבעו לאתתקנא, וכלהו עלמין אתחרבו, הדא הוא דכתיב וימלוך באדום בלע בן בעור.


Defining ‘Tza’ar Ba’alei Chaim’

Maybe someone can help me out; what is not included in “Tza’ar ba’alei chaim”? Obviously, animals are not as aware as humans, nor do they have identical psychological needs.

Is tiny confinement for animals Jewishly verboten, as some claim (to common ridicule)?

Today chicken beaks are burned off to prevent them from attacking and injuring one another! The beak is not nail or bone but flesh (yes, I know). Why are they suddenly violent? Because they are now confined together to smaller coops than they require. Does this matter to the Kashrus certification agencies? No.

And if the only issue is the beak-burning, what of tiny confinement for cows, sheep, etc.?

P.S., I now find the following Rashi in Mishlei 12:27:

חרוך, מחובר למקרא שלפניו כלומר דרך רשע תתעהו ולא יחרוך את צידו של רמיה שלו.

לא יחרוך, לא יצליח בתרמיתו ולפי שדבר בלשון ציד נופל בו לשון חריכה שהציד המצליח צד את העופות וחורכן באש.

The Kaddish Choir

The Chazon Ish is known to have opposed more than one man saying Kaddish at a time. In “Dinim Vehanhagos” he is quoted as comparing it to having two prayer leaders (“Shlia’ch tzibbur”)…

But did you know this was not an innovation by the Chazon Ish? This was, in fact, the ancient custom (not by Sefardim), as claimed here on the Treasures of Ashkenaz blog.

And I quote:

Only one person recites kaddish at a time (as opposed to the Sepharadic group kaddish).

Don’t Wait For Mashiach!

Some Mitzvos cannot technically be fulfilled without Mashiach’s might. But there is a prohibition against making a Mitzvah unjustifiably conditional upon Mashiach’s arrival, as Rabbi Brand explains here: “Lo tenasu es Hashem”. If jailed outside the land, such as Jonathan Pollard (still!) it is certainly not possible to make Aliyah. Until circumstances change – which can be brought about through Mashiach, as well, “Onness Rachmana Patrei”. B

ut this is true only in extenuating circumstances. One may not say “We’ll come to Israel/wear Techeiles/ascend the Temple Mount when Mashiach comes” when the two events have nothing to do with each other.

This same point is made in this article by Bob Blue.

An excerpt:

Hashem did not say, “Sit on your hands in the land and wait until Moshiach comes to do your job for you”. Hashem said, “drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, destroy all their temples, destroy their molten idols, and demolish their high places”. Hashem said, “clear out the Land and settle in it”. Hashem said, “You shall utterly destroy them; neither shall you make a covenant with them, nor be gracious to them”. Hashem said, “You shall demolish their altars and smash their monuments, and cut down their asherim trees, and burn their graven images with fire”. Hashem said, “You do this!” He did not say, “Wait for Moshiach to come and do it”.

See the rest… [Deleted.]