העורך Editor
Huh. Sorry to disappoint.
I still remember the last time that man’s most famous follower promised (!) in the name of “hidden tzaddikim” Mashiach would come on a certain day, which then passed (probably quoting the cult leader)…
You think maybe Berland was… lying?
Read a first-person account of the Big Nothing by one of the cult’s main missionaries.
Short version: Boreland announced a party, then hid in his room and left everyone hanging independently with zero explanation (his M.O., by the way).
Some screenshots (Edited to leave out the pathetic ex post facto excuses, etc.):
Apparently, this isn’t the first time Boreland made false, messianic prophecies, either!
But not to feel crushed! As usual for Doomsday cults, the final dates are pushed off into the future, yet again…
More Testimonies Proving Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch Himself ACTUALLY WEARS TECHEILES!
BlueFringes.com copied from our own article on this (I think), but the author also sheds new light. It’s almost a “Kol” by now.
And I quote:
From Yehoshua Yankelewitz:
“My friend Refoel Holiday (originally from Monsey, he learned in Zilberman’s in the OC for a while) was with his Rosh Kollel Rabbi Travis by Rav Shternbuch.
When Rabbi Travis asked R’ M. Shternbuch about Techeiles he said:
“אני לובש לפעמים”
But would not elaborate how often or rarely.”Rabbi Yisroel Barkin mentioned that one of R’ Shternbuch’s grandson’s wrote against Techeiles, and R’ Shternbuch signed off on it without doing the proper research. Now that he has done the research, he since then obtained a few Tallis Kottons and will wear them from time to time, but it’s not an everyday occurrence.
To quote R’ Avrohom Gross on tying and string ratio from an email: “He originally had Tosfos, but switched to Raavad because of the Gra in nistar, and he is a follower of the Gra (his shul is named after the Gra).”
For my treatment of this rumor:
Nice Image of Beis Hamikdash Replacing the Golden Dome of the Rock
(I don’t know who gets credit for this image.)