מוטב שלא העלית – For Want of Ballast

From “Stories Worth Re-reading”:


Not many years ago the “Escambia,” a British iron steamer, loaded with wheat, weighed anchor and started down the bay of San Francisco. The pilot left her about five miles outside the Golden Gate. Looking back from his pilot-boat a short time after, he saw the vessel stop, drift into the trough of the sea, careen to port, both bulwarks going under water, then suddenly capsize and sink. What was the cause of this sad catastrophe?—A want of ballast.

She came into port from China, a few weeks previous, with a thousand emigrants on board. But she had in her hold immense tanks for what is called water ballast. The captain, wishing to carry all the wheat he could between decks, neglected to fill those tanks. He thought the cargo would steady the ship. But it made it top-heavy, and the first rough sea capsized it.

Here, then, was a vessel, tight and strong, with powerful engines, with a cargo worth one hundred thousand dollars, floundering as soon as she left the harbor, taken down with her crew of forty-five men, because the captain failed to have her properly ballasted. The moment she began to lurch, all the wheat tumbled over to the lower side, and down into the sea she went.

How this wreck of the “Escambia” repeats the trite lesson that so many have tried to teach, and that they who need it most are so slow to learn! Young men starting out in life want to carry as little ballast as possible. They are enterprising, ambitious. They are anxious to go fast, and take as much cargo as they can. Old-fashioned principles are regarded as dead weight. It does not pay to heed them, and they thrown overboard. Good home habits are abandoned in order to be popular with the gay and worldly. The Bible is not read, the Sabbath is not kept holy, prayer is neglected, and lo! some day, when all the sails are spread, a sudden temptation comes that wrecks the character and life.

We cannot urge too strongly upon the young, in these days of intense activity, the vital importance of ballast. A conscience seems to be an encumbrance—an obstacle to prosperity. But it is a safe thing to have on board. It steadies the soul. It keeps it from careening when the winds drive it into the trough of the sea. If the “Escambia” had taken less wheat and more ballast, it might be afloat today. And this is true of many a man now in prison or in the gutter. The haste to be rich, the impatience of restraint, alas! how their wrecks lie just outside the world’s golden gates.

Note: Read more on Wikipedia here.

לפעמים גם *להמנע* ממלחמה זה סכנה

אור החיים בראשית ל”ד ל”א:

ויאמרו הכזונה וגו’. צריך לדעת מה תשובה זו עושה למיחוש יעקב על השמדתו הוא וביתו והלא אפי’ לכתחילה אם שאלו (ויאמרו) הגוים אחת מהכת ויחדוה נותנים אותה להם (ירושלמי פ”ח דתרומות) ולא יהרגו כולן עליה אפי’ בעריות ומכל שכן בדרך זה שכבר היה מה שהיה.

או ירצה להשיב כי אדרבא יסתכנו בין האומות כשיראו שבזוי אחד שלט בבת יעקב ופעל ועשה כחפצו ורצונו לא תהיה לשונאיהם תקומה בין העמים, ואדרבה בזה תהיה חתתם על העמים וירעדו מפניהם.