New Free Webinar: “Diagnose and Treat Reading Readiness Like a Pro” with Legendary Rabbi Zobin!
Rabbi Zvi Zobin is a legend.
Rabbi Zvi Zobin is a legend.
“How dare a Jew justify Israel and the Jews?!”
The Alternative\Anti-Poop of the group, Block’s peer Dr. Hans Hoppe makes the schism quite official (not to mention personal) on LRC here…
(It’s a rewrite of Bionic Mosquito’s bites of Block throughout his blog, actually; plagiarism. And probably incited by him.)
By the way, to riff on the old minarchist joke, “What’s the difference between an Israel-hater and a Jew-hater? Answer: About 6 months.”
Open Letter:
Dear Walter Block (sorry, I don’t know your Jewish name), forget the Goyim! It was never destined to work out. Do Teshuvah (return to God and be a good Jew) and come on home to your homeland. You know about the Law of Return, the State’s only good law. Join Ohr Sameach and learn about your Jewish heritage. God misses you (can’t you tell?). Your Jewish brothers and sisters need you and want you here with us.
Quoting your own coauthored conclusion in another WSJ article:
“[Jews] may be condemned to dwell alone, but if so, they will do it as a people. In their own homeland. Finally.”
Will you come home??
P.S., The search engines still send to your eponymous, pre-Substack domain, defunct and available for sale by GoDaddy. You should deal with it.
(A link to this article was sent to Dr. Block. Hope he answers with a Yes.)
So I heard in the name of the Maharal, but didn’t see within…
(Yes, Rabbi Shach would have a fit about “Tzuras Hadaf”. All the more reason!)
Catherine Price’s 30-Day Phone Breakup Course
(Haven’t tried it, but it looks intriguing.)
I’m Catherine Price, award-winning science journalist and bestselling author of How to Break Up with Your Phone. I’ve adapted my book into this 30-Day Phone Breakup text message course because… where better to learn how to break up with your phone than ON YOUR PHONE!?
My course takes a proven approach that’s grounded in science. It will free you from phone obsession and empower you to have a productive — not compulsive — relationship with your phone. Sign up now, and every day you’ll receive a voice message from me, delivered via SMS text message, with a daily assignment telling you exactly what to do, plus interactive prompts to keep you on track. It’s easy and you can do it at my pace — or yours.
— Kevin Roose, The New York Times
You’ll keep what you love about your phone, reduce or eliminate what you don’t, and make customized changes to your settings, apps, environment and mindset that will enable you to take back control of your life–both on and off your phone. So, let’s get started!