STOP Going to the Army!
Mishlei 24:10-12:
התרפית ביום צרה צר כחכה. הצל לקחים למות ומטים להרג אם תחשוך. כי תאמר הן לא ידענו זה הלא תכן לבות הוא יבין ונצר נפשך הוא ידע והשיב לאדם כפעלו.
If you have become lax, on a day of trouble your strength will be weak indeed. If you refrain from rescuing those taken to death and those on the verge of being slain will you say, “Behold, we did not know this”? Is it not so that He Who counts hearts understands, and He Who guards your soul knows, and He will requite a man according to his deed?
It’s the “Season” all over again. The shemad of immigrant children, the Gerush, Corona crimes, et alii ad nauseam all over again.
The army is killing Jews to make Biden happy. Get out of there!