Ron Paul’s Vindication

Quoting a piece of the Tom Woods newsletter:

It’s funny how many positions Ron Paul was pilloried and ridiculed for that have since become things “everybody knows.”

Dr. Paul was a crank and a traitor for not supporting the war in Iraq. Now, everyone but the most bitter dead-ender admits what a horror show that was.

Dr. Paul blamed the Federal Reserve System for the crash of 2008. That made him a crank because in those days nobody talked about the Fed. Even those supposedly edgy right-wing radio shows never mentioned it — or, if we’re being honest, really knew what it was.

So only a raving “conspiracy theorist” would even bring it up.

Today, those same people are harsh critics of the Fed.

You can only imagine what the gatekeepers of Conservatism, Inc., had to say about Dr. Paul’s views on health and “public health.” Well, they’re not saying those things anymore.

(Incidentally, who in Washington was the best on Covid? Rand Paul in the Senate, and Thomas Massie in the House — both of whom were part of the Ron Paul Revolution. No coincidence.)

You Can Trust Economists, Right? Um, Right??

Here’s a ~30-page gem called “Oh Yeah?“, a revealing compilation of “expert” positive predictions of the American stock market by date, coupled with contradictory negative news headlines (Viking Press, 1931) by Edward Angly.

Assuming this to be in the public domain:

Download (PDF, 4.07MB)

Some of these names and pols are still respected and quoted by the unwashed, eyewashed and brainwashed (Irving Fisher!, Hoover (not the vacuum), John D. Rockefeller, Charles Schwab (steel), Fed heads, Alexander Legge, follower of Bernard M. Baruch, and others).

The central-banking elites lied and fooled themselves and bluffed and gaslighted and blamed the victims and shilled for extending the harmful policies and discounted the negative facts at each and every turn while continually being dramatically disproved, disgraced and contradicted by pesky realities.

Did this chasten them? Make them reconsider the theories?

Ha, that’s a good one!

But this might sober you up a bit…