Bitachon Enables Mitzva Observance!

Quoting the transcript of Rabbi David Ashear’s “Living Emunah” shiur of 9 Av 5783, “Bitachon and Geula”:

The Rambam writes the purpose of the fast is to get us to remember the bad deeds that caused the destruction and then accept upon ourselves to fix them. The main cause of the churban was people hating each other. If our bitachon in Hashem would be stronger, there would be no room for hatred because we would believe b’emunah shelemah that everything, even what people do to us, is caused by Hashem for our best.

Chazal tell us, the first Tisha B’Av of calamity was when the people cried from the words of the meraglim, which was due to their lack of bitachon in Hashem. If they would have trusted in Hashem, they wouldn’t have been afraid of anybody. When we truly believe that there is only Hashem in this world and nothing else, we will be able to rectify all the sins that have prolonged this galut.

The Gemara tells us, Mashiach will come אם בקולו תשמעון – when we heed Hashem’s voice and nobody else’s.  The Shomer Emunim writes, when a person’s bitachon is the way it is supposed to be, he will be able to overcome so many tests that the yetzer hara gets people to fall to. When a man is walking in the street in the summertime and wants to guard his eyes from seeing the wrong things, the evil inclination will tell him he needs to be on the lookout in case he sees somebody he needs to speak with or in case he sees a store that he needs to go to. And once the person’s guard is down, he will undoubtedly see things he is forbidden to look at. A person with bitachon in Hashem will say, “I will not lose by following Hashem’s will. If there is somebody I need to speak with, Hashem will send him to me.”

A person who is careful not to talk to others before he prays in the morning may have his evil inclination tell him, What if the person next to you now could help you? Maybe it is worth it to talk to him. Someone with bitachon would say, “If I accepted upon myself a stringency to honor Hashem, there is no way I will lose anything as a result.”

A concerned mother who is trying to get her daughter married may think, maybe I should compromise a little on my daughter’s standards of modesty so she will get married quicker. If her bitachon was where it was supposed to be, she would immediately say to herself, “The One who is in charge of marriage has a standard that He loves. It doesn’t make any sense for me to compromise on His standard if He is the One producing the shidduch.”

A woman who just started the Amida hears the doorbell ring and doesn’t know who it is, the yetzer hara will tell her, Rush through your prayers so that you can go see who it is. If her bitachon was strong, she would say, “I am talking to the One who is in control of the entire world. Does it matter which one of His puppets is at my door right now?”

If a person is learning Torah and the yetzer hara tells him if he leaves early to tend to his affairs, it’ll be so much better for him. Bitachon will say, “I am doing the will of Hashem now, I’ll only gain if I stay.”

Hashem will not necessarily make it obvious to a person that he gained by doing the right thing, but that is only to keep a person’s free will balanced. When our bitachon is strong, our middot will be the way they are supposed to be. We won’t be arrogant, we won’t get angry, we won’t be jealous, and we’ll be happy to do the job that Hashem sent us here to do. Let us resolve today to strengthen our bitachon in Hashem and, b’ezrat Hashem, that will be the zechut we need to bring the geula shelemah. Amen. תזכו בנחמת ציון.

Reprinted with permission.

הוספת תנאים חדשים במצות תכלת כדי לבטל את המצוה

ציטוט מהרב יצחק ברנד שליט”א:

אין שום רשות לאדם לחדש תנאים במצוה כדי לפטור ממצוה , אם אין לו ראיות מחז”ל.

תלמוד בבלי מסכת פסחים דף כז עמוד ב

רבי יהודה אומר אין ביעור וכו’. תניא, אמר רבי יהודה: אין ביעור חמץ אלא שריפה. והדין נותן: ומה נותר שאינו בבל יראה ובל ימצא – טעון שריפה, חמץ שישנו בבל יראה ובל ימצא – לא כל שכן שטעון שריפה? אמרו לו: כל דין שאתה דן תחלתו להחמיר וסופו להקל – אינו דין. לא מצא עצים לשורפו – יהא יושב ובטל? והתורה אמרה תשביתו שאר מבתיכם – בכל דבר שאתה יכול להשביתו. (בתורה לא כתוב לשון בכל דבר שאתה יכול להשביתו אלא תשביתו וכוונת חכמים שאין לנו רשות להוסיף תנאים שאין לנו מקור לזה.)

רבי יהודה נשאר בדעותיו משום שטוען שיש לו ראיות אבל בלי ראיות אין רשות לפטור ממצוה בגלל שמחדש תנאי במצוה שאין לו מקור.

The Vilna Gaon and ‘Body Positivity’

Gra Mishlei 31:3:

אל תתן לנשים חילך” – היינו, שלא ירבה לו נשים, שמחמת רוב התשמיש מתישות כוחו.

ודרכיך” – כמו שנאמר (בראשית ו יב): “כי השחית כל בשר את דרכו“, היינו דרך ארץ.

למחות מלכין” – היינו לשון שמן, כמו (ישעיהו ה יז): “וחרבות מחים“. היינו, ליקח יפת תואר מאד ובעלת בשר.

תוספת מתוך ליקוטי הגר”א כתב יד:

למחות מלכין” הוא בנות מלכים המפוטמות, יפות מראה ובריאות בשר, כמו שנאמר (ישעיהו ה יז): “חרבות מחים“.

ואמר “לנשים חילך ודרכיך כו’“. פירוש “לנשים“, כי מחמת ריבוי נשים הוחלש כוחו מרוב ביאות.

ודרכיך“, כמו שנאמר (בראשית ו יב): “כי השחית כל בשר את דרכו“, מחמת תאוות יופי הרבה הוצאת זרע, כמו שנאמר (יחזקאל כג ב): “וזרמת סוסים כו’“.

I know, I know…

Financial Planning Considerations For Orthodox Jewish Families – Jonathan Shenkman

Check out this refreshing article on here…

An excerpt:

According to the 2013 survey by the Pew Institute, being Jewish, with all the associated customs, traditions, and laws, is extremely important to virtually all Orthodox Jews. It’s infused into every aspect of their lives. Consequently, any planning needs to start there. Being able to maintain a Jewish lifestyle is probably far more important to Orthodox Jews than simply accumulating the most amount of wealth or only saving for retirement.

In that vein, an important first step in the planning process is to draft an Investment Policy Statement (IPS). This will be helpful in identifying, and focusing on, the family’s actual goals. It should include a list of lifestyle decisions that are of utmost importance and specify where they are comfortable cutting expenses.

I recommend starting this process with a blank sheet of paper with two columns. One side should include what is important in their lives and the other side should include what is not. This may sound elementary, but it is an extremely effective method for identifying priorities.

When the two lists are made, I ask my clients to prioritize each list. That means they rank the items from the most important to the least important. This exercise is particularly instructive.

One observation I’ve had with my clients, is that they tend to rank sending their kids to Yeshiva towards the top of their list of priorities and saving for college towards the bottom. The reason for this is not because Orthodox Jewish families don’t value higher education. However, there are many financing options available when it comes to paying for college. This includes various types of scholarships, student aid, and taking out loans. Furthermore, choosing a cheaper university is also a practical option. On the other hand, Yeshivas offer fewer financing options. This pushes college savings down from a top priority.

A key next step after completing the ranking is for the family to cut out the activities that are unimportant to their lives and reallocate those resources for things that are important.

The result is your “rich life”, where your cash flow is optimized so your hard-earned dollars are going towards things that are important to you and your family instead of being wasted on things that don’t enhance your life. After all, money is not a scorecard. Rather, it’s a tool to help you achieve the life you want. Ultimately, the exercise of creating an IPS is about aligning an investor’s money with their values.

See the rest here.