אגר”מ *בעד* שוק חפשי בתרומת איברים

עיין שו”ת אגר”מ חו”מ סי’ ק”ג שמותר לתרום דם בשכר רק אם יש חולה קמן (וכ”ה בתרומת איברים).

נו, אני יודע מה ישיבו.

האגר”מ לא מתיחס כלל לחששות הדמיוניות שלנו ע”פ הסוציאליזם המטופש, ולכן אין זה פסק סופי.

אבל הלא כ”ה בכו”כ נושאים שלא מפריע להביא דעות שלא התיחסו לכל צדדי השאלה, כגון האגר”מ להתיר פ”נ, על אף שאינו דן אלא מצד מראית העין, ולא מזכיר את הבעיה המרכזית של יופי והרהור משיער הדומה לשיער המקורי (ואם תאמר שהמציאות השתנתה, ק”ו שאין להביאו כסמך).

צורת מטבע

אומרים בשם הרב יצחק הוטנר בשם בעל ה”שפת אמת” דמ”ש “בנן של קדושים לא הכירו צורת מטבע”, בן דוקא.

קדושים עצמן מכירים ומכירים…

I Can’t Endorse EVERY Word Below, But…

Several excerpts from a 2002 libertarian speech by author L. Neil Smith:

That simple truth is that a libertarian presidential candidate isn’t going to win anyway, not in 2004, not in 2008, not in 2012. A libertarian presidential candidate isn’t going to win anyway, so he can afford to think the unthinkable in public, to speak the unspeakable, and even, occasionally, to do the undoable.

A libertarian presidential candidate isn’t going to win anyway, so he can afford to rush in where Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives fear even to think about treading. A libertarian presidential candidate isn’t going to win anyay, so he can afford to step fearlessly on every “third rail” there is in American political life.

Think about it. A libertarian presidential candidate isn’t going to win anyway, so he can afford to be the one who takes the risks, the one who breaks the ice, the one who sets the tone, the one who establishes the level of discourse in the debates he’s going to be left out of anyway.

A libertarian presidential candidate isn’t going to win anyway, so he can afford to say that there is nothing about the public school system that can be fixed by tinkering with the public school system. Funded by theft and populated by kidnapping and slavery, it is rooted in a moral inversion, so that the more resources that are sacrificed to it, the worse it gets.

Considering the 100% negative contribution they make to it, public school teachers are the most obscenely overpaid individuals in our civilization and that someday history will recognize the public school system as an atrocity comparable to the Soviet system of gulags, or, more appropriately, to the Soviet system of psychiatric hospitals that were used to medicalize and eradicate dissent.

The public school system must be abolished, its buildings razed to the ground so that not one stone is left standing on another, and salt sown on the ruins.

A libertarian presidential candidate isn’t going to win anyway, so he can afford to say that Social Security was a criminal hoax from the beginning, from which there can be no recovery. Just as it isn’t the job of the cops to repay the victims of a con-artist, it isn’t the job of a libertarian presidential candidate to look for ways to repay those who, however innocently, counted on Social Security to feed, house, and clothe them in their declining years.

The fact is, most Social Security recipients – or would-be recipients – like most “victims” of con-artists, are not really that innocent, anyway. The con-man relies on a certain degree of larceny in the heart of his “mark”, an illicit desire for something unearned. The politician relies on the willingness of his elderly constituents to provide for their future by cutting themselves a nice, thick, steaming, bloody chunk of the quivering flesh of their own children and grandchildren.

Recognizing, as we must, the “Tompkins-Suprynowicz Principle” [*], government assets – land, in particular – can’t be sold off casually to make up any deficit, even Social Security. Either that land belonged to somebody, from whom it was taken in the first place, or it should have been equitably distributed, and later is better than never. Yet the politicians who passed Social Security in the first place, those who have maintained it ever since, those who’ve made a career of “saving” Social Security, these criminals and con-men all have assets themselves which could be seized to make up as much of the loss as possible.

The government can’t give you back your money – it was all spent long ago, and they’d just have to steal it from somebody else – but thieves can be forced to make restitution, even to those who foolishly or greedily counted on Social Security.

A libertarian presidential candidate isn’t going to win anyway, so he can afford to say that “Homeland Security” imposed by a fascist government is a hollow sham with an ulterior motive. Spy cameras at every intersection, fingerprints and retinal scans at the bank, electronic implants in our children, x-rays, anal probes, and wand-rape at the airports are worse than the problems they have failed to prevent.

History, current events, and common sense demonstrate beyond the palest shadow of a doubt that the American homeland will never be secure until every man, woman, and responsible child is free to exercise his or her unalienable individual, civil, Constitutional, and human right to obtain, own, and carry, openly or concealed, any weapon — rifle, shotgun, handgun, machinegun, anything — any time, any place, without asking anyone’s permission.

A libertarian presidential candidate isn’t going to win anyway, so he can afford to point out that before, say, 1913, Americans didn’t allow themselves to be tagged, earmarked, tracked, traced, folded, spindled, or mutilated by government busybodies. They were free to live their lives, if they wished, in perfect privacy and anonymity. This is no longer possible, and the results, for individual liberty and the health and safety of the nation, have been disastrous.

It’s time to organize a broad-based and aggressive “disidentification” or “identification resistance” movement that would call a screeching halt to all of these obsolete and evil “Progressive Era” practices and abolish Social Security numbers and cards, do away forever with draft registration, drivers’ licences, the registration of possesions like cars and guns, repeal the 16th Amendment, and deeply reexamine the Census,

Read the rest here…

[*] I assume he meant something said by Rick Tompkins and Vin Suprynowicz.