Hyehudi.org’s Non-Internet DISCLAIMER
Hyehudi.org absolutely does not endorse the use of offline media outlets (including those with a veneer of Torah), many of which enable child abusers, facilitate internal political corruption, feather their own nests, oppose the Temple Mount and its promise (and much more), malign [the true] Gedolei Yisrael, are bad for the Jews, and about match the very worst of the Jewish internet.
We only mention and quote “IRL” publications (per עת לעשות) for people who read those things anyway (for parnassa purposes), surely relying upon personalized rabbinical guidance and permission, employing hardcover, shtender-sized tomes only (as opposed to sleek and smart portable paperbacks) to avoid Yichud, chas veshalom. (And, of course, effective filters and an off-Web Chaver to ensure accountability.)
Note: Sarcasm. For a non-sarcastic comment regarding the internet, see this.