הגוים חושבים שהיהודים משוגעים? הם צודקים

יש זמנים אין ברירה אלא לעבור על מ”ש הגר”א הידוע ולחלוק גם על קדמונים…

רש”י דברים ד’ ט’:

“רק השמר לך וגו’ פן תשכח את הדברים”, אז כשלא תשכחו אותם ותעשום על אמתתם תחשבו חכמים ונבונים ואם תעוותו אותם מתוך שכחה תחשבו שוטים.

The Israeli Military Industrial Complex and the Arab ‘Lab’

From Wikipedia:

The Lab is a 2013 documentary film by Yotam Feldman about the Israeli military industry. It is 60 minutes long and was shot in Hebrew and has English subtitles. It is controversial because it claims Israel profits by testing weapons in the occupied territories that are then sold worldwide with the marketing that they were tested in combat.

One could look at this positively as Arab murderers “paying for themselves” up to a point, by at least giving the Israeli economy a boost (shades of internet-marketing “monetize your haters”).

On the other hand, this causes a perverse incentive for the gratuitous use of all parties by the evil Military-Industrial Complex as lab rats for the arms trade corporate R&D.

The wares and data are then sold to anyone who will pay, including mass-murdering monsters worldwide.

Diffrentiating ‘Tzadi’ and ‘Zayin’ in Romanized Bible Words

Think of the following Cursedian spellings:

  • Zedekiah
  • Zebulun
  • Zadok
  • Zakariah

The “Z” is for Tzadi, as in German (“Zeit”), instead of the older “S” as preserved in the word “Isaac” (closer to the original pronunciation of the letter).

So, “Z” is used for both “Tzadi” (“TS”\”TZ”\”ZZ”) and “Zayin”…

It’s a mess…