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Josh Billings

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Court Journalists and Politicians Are in the Same Business…

Some Charedi political writer (for Bechadrei Chareidim and other outlets) went and got married.

Now, I’m thinking “Who cares?” or worse thoughts. but his fellow presstitutes in the media may\must think we pine to see a dozen pictures, not of innocent Jews starting married life but davka of this guy.

Look who came:

Aryeh Deri, Minister of Health Moshe Arbel, Minister of Energy Yisrael Katz, Reb Yossel Tabak, as well as ministers Yoav Ben-Tzur, Chaim Biton, Yitzchok Goldknopf, Yaakov Tesler, Uri Maklev, Moshe Abutbul, Uriel Bussu, and others.

At the end of the wedding, Rav Yitzchok Shaul Kanievsky arrived together with his son, R’ Yaakov Kanievsky.

Yep, that Yanky Kanievsky!

Sefer Amos applies richly.

Teach your children’s children: it’s always “Us against Them“.

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