The Importance of Volunteering for Boring Work: Another Tidbit

We have written (twice) about learning this central lesson from the life of a commie secretary by the name of — hoping to spell this right — Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili (Em, כמה יוסף איכא בשוקא. OK, I mean Joseph Stalin, yemach shemo).

Here’s a related story I discovered from “War History Online”:

Joseph Stalin was a man of many names, but one of the stranger nicknames he acquired was “Comrade Index Card”. This nickname was awarded to Stalin by his former Communist Party rival Leon Trotsky. The story goes that when Stalin took his first major political position as General Secretary of the Communist Party, he was merely serving as little more than a secretary. His duties included sorting and organizing files. Thus, the name “Comrade Index Card”.


“Trotsky”? Who is… Oh right, the Meshumad whose skull suffered a fatal collision with an ice axe. An ice axe wielded by a messenger of “Comrade Index Card“. (Perhaps this is the problem with “מכנה שם רע לחברו”.) So, one card could now be discarded!

What was our point again? Oh right, to be secretary if possible, see here.

הרב ברוך מרדכי אזרחי שליט”א: אני אומר ‘מהרה ישמע בערי יהודה’ – אבל בלי הקרעכץ

שמעתי את ר’ ברוך מרדכי אזרחי אומר פעם שאם כי הוא אומר עדיין “מהרה ישמע בערי יהודה וכו’ “, הרי הוא שומע את זה כבר כל יום בערי יהודה?!

נו, הוא אמר, אמשיך לומר כמקודם, אבל הקרעכץ שפעם היה כבר הלך לו…

מקור: עדות הגאון הרב יהושה ינקלביץ שליט”א (פורסם ברשות הרב)