See a few pages in Rabbi Mordechai Elefant (of Yeshivas Itri)’s hyper-candid, unedited memoirs:
Download (PDF, 416KB)
Note: This document needs extreme fact-checking and editing. For example, this story: Rabbi Aaron Cohen of Chevron was long deceased at the time! Also, how is Sunday the fifth day of the war?! Maybe Rabbi Lopian called Rabbi Elefant on Friday, then they drove on Sunday. But if he means the Sunday after the war, why does he keep mentioning the danger? And why would S. Goren be back again so soon?
Still, the basic grain of Rabbi Lopian’s strong appreciation of the miracles is likely true (just like the attitudes of Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz and Rabbi Yechezkel Levenstein). I wonder what his sefer Lev Eliyahu contains.
By the way, Rabbi Elefant throughout gives important insight into what kind of people some of the so-called “Gedolim” were, such as the infamous Ba’al Machlokes.
So, this (as much else on edgy sites) should be read by “settled” Jews only (shades of “Sefer Hachezyonot”).