מצחיק: ‘פוליטיקלי קורקט’ אקדמאי כדי שלא להרגיז את הערבים

מרדכי קידר מעיד שהספר “The Arab Mind” שע”י ד”ר רפאל פטאי “מדהים בנכונותו” ושימושי, אבל אקדמאים משתמשים בספר רק בסתר וגם לא מצטטים ממנו, כי הערבים לא אוהבים אותו…

ניתן לשמוע כאן, בעיקר 38:55 – 43:38.

(התוכן בנושא המרכזי שם פחות מומלץ.)


Tucker Carlson Firing: ‘When You Tell the Truth, Have One Foot in the Stirrup’

Great article on Mises.org…


Why would BlackRock, headed by CEO Larry Fink, pressure Fox News to axe Tucker? For one, Tucker was known for his scathing criticism of Ukraine’s corruption, which put him at odds with the investment giant. In January, Carlson reacted derisively to a video of Ukrainian President Zelensky thanking BlackRock, J.P. Morgan, and Goldman Sachs for “rebuilding” the country. Tucker referred to Zelensky, not as a hero, as the establishment would have it, but as a dictator. Carlson has also been critical of BlackRock’s push for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing, claiming, rightly, that ESG is a means of circumventing legislation and thus subverting democratic processes. ESG thwarts the will of the people and installs a “climate change” dictatorship in its place.

“The media,” Tucker recently said, “are part of the control apparatus…not only are they part of the problem, but I spent most of my life being part of the problem, defending the Iraq War, like I actually did that.” That is, Tucker came to recognize that the media are ideological state apparatuses whose functions are to indoctrinate, mislead, and support the reigning regime and their narratives, whether past, present, or future. Tucker attempted to subvert those media functions and became a danger to the regime. It is no wonder that he no longer works for Fox News. The question is how he lasted so long.

Read the rest here…