העורך Editor
New Book: ‘Mesorat Hatorah Shebe’al Peh’ by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Havlin
Read the Table of Contents and other background info on the Seforim Blog here…
2 Episodes from the SeforimChatter Podcast (Nachi Weinstein)
(I learned of the podcast through Mishpacha magazine.)
One episode discussed “The Promise and Peril of Credit” about an important aspect of economic antisemitism by Prof. Francesca Trivellato. The book sounds possibly interesting.
Another episode discussed Dr. Yael Ziegler’s book, “Ruth: From Alienation to Monarchy“. Anti-anarchy, pro-monarchy.
ה’ באייר: כמה הלכות נחוצות
(מתוך לוח עיתים לבינה)
Rabbi Kahaneman’s Justification for Flying the Israeli Flag over Ponevezh on Independence Day
When Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Kahneman zatzal was questioned about his behavior, the rabbi would say that he erected the Polish flag over the original Ponevezh yeshiva in Chutz Laa’retz on Poland’s independence day, as well, so לא גרע.
Well, I would argue Rabbi Kahaneman shouldn’t have done it there either. Founding a State violates and abrogates the 7th Noahide mitzva (Dinim) by both omission and commission, and one shouldn’t flatter or support this (unless maybe coerced).