העורך Editor
Going Up to the Temple Mount?! Wasn’t That Goren’s Idea?!
So I was asked.
Well, is there a mitzvah to live in the Land of Israel?
Well, you do know who first started going there, right?
Yes, Avraham Avinu.
Actually, no. It was Terach’s idea…
Friedrich Nietzsche (rumored):
“The first adherents of a creed prove nothing against it.”
Stalin Even Killed a Few People With His DEATH (Lehavdil…)
If you don’t mind gruesome depictions of crowd collapses and crushes involving children (and Soviet bureaucracy) read this…
I don’t think it wise to include excerpts.
Shades of the police at Meron.
The Invisible Hand: Unplanned Order
We have become accustomed to the idea that a natural system like the human body or an ecosystem regulates itself. To explain the regulation, we look for feedback loops rather than a central planning and directing body. But somehow our intuitions about self-regulation without central direction do not carry over to the artificial systems of human society. I retain vivid memories of the astonishment and disbelief always expressed by the architecture students to whom I taught urban land economics many years ago when I pointed to medieval cities as marvellously patterned systems that had mostly just “grown” in response to myriads of individual decisions. To my students a pattern implied a planner in whose mind it had been conceived and by whose fiat it had been implemented. The idea that a city could acquire its pattern as “naturally” as a snowflake was foreign to them. They reacted to it as many Christian fundamentalists responded to Darwin: no design without a Designer!
Herbert A. Simon, Economic Rationality: Adaptive Artifice
Shas & Gimmel Have What To Learn From Japan’s Deep State
Read a fascinating article on the assassination of Japan’s PM here…
The less said about eerie parallels to the State of Israel the better!