Do Women Talk More Than Men? Funny Anecdote
A Fairly-Feminism-Fuddled-Frau once announced it isn’t women who are talkative but men. I later discerned the event triggering the outburst was overhearing profound Torah debates among males going over her head which, judging by her haughty expression at the time, appeared utterly repetitive.
(I asked if she meant to contradict Chazal (עשרה קבין שיחה ירדו לעולם, תשעה נטלו נשים). She hemmed and hawed, but wordily conceded it was more of a mind-blowing, brilliant kashya than disagreement.)
The Nattering Noblewoman then held forth the profound, hard-earned insight (gleaned from her Pelech-break [Yoma 66b: אין חכמה לאשה אלא בפלך] some hours earlier) for all men within earshot with great pathos for emphasis.
(She also dimly perceived women – though perhaps not she – speak up less in mixed settings; correct, and a non sequitur.)
Yes, I was allowed to talk to her, etc.