How To Persuade Jews to Ascend the Temple Mount: Copy Altruistic Organ-Donor Testimonials
Like so (some of these adaptions are meant to be funny):
- “I feel like I put my Avodas Hashem into practice.”
- “Entrance is completely free, and statistically far safer physically than driving!”
- “Many people asked me if I had any doubts…”
- “I feel like I won the lottery. This has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.”
- “Better and much easier than I expected.”
- “I researched the halacha first…”
- “I was offered to donate some time and effort on the way to rebuilding the Beis Hamikdash. How could I say No?!”
- “OK, well it took some time until my spouse was on board…”
- “For me, it wasn’t really a matter of choice; it was what Hashem would want me to do.”
- “A friend told me: ‘I still don’t dare, but because of your example I will now do more.'”
- “Most were awed. Some thought I was mad. My older brother was supportive.”
- “Mother says it’s bad for shidduchim. Well, if someone is that closed-minded, I’m anyway not interested in them!”
- “I have no regrets whatsoever.”
- “My life has changed for the better in so many ways. I thank God for the amazing opportunity. May God bless Rabbi Shimshon Elbaum and the rest of the team with all success, and may they merit to see the rebuilding of the Holy Temple!”
- “Sounds cliché, but on my birthday I gave the gift of life to the Jewish people.”
- “It felt good to make a difference.”
- “Everyone should do it too!”
- “It was far easier to convince the policeman at the gate I wasn’t a lost Kosel-goer than to convince the kidney donors psychologist of my compos mentis.”
And so on…