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Check this out: Give Walter Block a Pay Raise
There is a petition demanding that Dr. Walter Block be fired on the grounds that he is “racist and sexist.” These ridiculous claims ought to be shut down for their nonsense. Dr. Walter Block DID NOT and DOES NOT argue that slavery isn’t morally wrong, and believes the so-called “pay gap” — to the extent that it exists — is explained by the economic choices made by men and women. To call Dr. Block a racist and a sexist is defamatory to the highest level. It is utterly absurd to assert that Dr. Block believes “slavery isn’t morally wrong” and that “women don’t deserve to be paid and treated equally.” This stems from a libelous New York Times article and insane twisting of his words. As compensation for being raked over the coals by many over the last decade, we demand that the wonderful Dr. Walter Block not be fired, but given a RAISE. He is a beacon of liberty in our time, and ought to be treated as such.
Give Walter Block a raise.
Every vote counts!
P.S., Link fixed.