Should I Donate to the Aleph Institute? NOOO!
About the organization:
The Aleph Institute serves individuals of all backgrounds and faiths. Our guiding factors are Torah principles based on acceptance of God as the Supreme Power and Creator of the universe and emphasizing the values of human dignity, thereby making the world a better place for all. All of Aleph’s services are provided at no charge.
The Aleph Institute, founded in 1981 at the express direction of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, provides crucial financial, emotional and spiritual assistance to thousands of shattered families – helping them persevere through extraordinary crises – while providing support for their loved ones in prison and mental institutions. Aleph’s benevolent mandate also encompasses spiritual assistance to thousands of soldiers in the United States Armed Forces across the globe.
My response to their email marketing:
If you only helped prisoners I would be happy to help.But, no. You give logistical support to Jews committing war crimes worldwide for the American empire!Please unsubscribe all Torah-observant Jews, including myself.
In fact, here’s an idea for your next fundraising email:Poor Jewish soldier just blew up a free medical clinic, sexually tortured an absolutely innocent detainee in a black site, let a rape happen in a country he destabilized, ensured economic trust for a renewed slave market in Libya, kept the war going between the Koreas, and blew up an entire, innocent Arab family die to faulty intel in some vassal state.That was his week (using literary license, of course).Now he just wants some homestyle cholent (not yet in the massive “defense” budget) to warm his black, PTSD heart and remind him of his own, unmurdered family ever-threatened by blowback terror in Galus America.I can just see the video…Sound good??