Did Rabbi Nachman Say Russia Will Be Destroyed? Eh…

“In Megilat Setarim, R. Natan and R. Naftali reveal the order of the arrival of the Redeemer. It is known that our master (Rabbi Nachman) said; ‘In the future, nothing will remain of the great Russia except for a small mound and a small tree’. “

Source: Siach Sarfei Kodesh [compilation of oral Breslover traditions] vol. 3, KC, p 49 (“KC”?)

But the book itself is considered mostly unreliable...

Besides, I don’t see any date here or even a rough period.

Also, does he perhaps mean a burial mound [I can’t see the Hebrew], and if so, of whom? Is (the) Ukraine (then) a part of Russia (called what?)…?

So many questions…

Again, “Siach Sarfei Kodesh” is considered mostly unreliable (although I have no doubt some of it is at least valuable based on its penetrating content). A “traditional”, family-rooted Breslover once told me about a third of it is true, but refused to tell me who\what supplied that fraction, or based on what.

See more on all this at Kotzk Blog here…

Lo Tachmod: State Socialism

The chief difference between free capitalism and State socialism seems to be this: that under the former a man pursues his own advantage openly, frankly and honestly, whereas under the latter he does so hypocritically and under false pretenses.

  • H.L. Mencken (2013). “Minority Report”, p.397, Knopf

POEM: Your Sabbath Day


by poet and essayist Esther Cameron

Download (PDF, 255KB)


(Purchase the whole volume on JCT here or other issues here.)

I assume this is allowed under the doctrine of Fair Use.



One-Line Quip Stretched into Overlong Article…

The Handbook of Human Ownership – A Manual for New Tax Farmers

Hey – seriously – congratulations on your new political post!

If you are reading this, it means that you have ascended to the highest levels of government, so it’s really, really important that you don’t do or say anything stupid, and mess things up for the rest of us.

The first thing to remember is that you are a figurehead, about as relevant to the direction of the state as a hood ornament is to the direction of a car – but you are a very important distraction, the “smiling face” of the fist of power. So hold your nose, kiss the babies, and just think how good you would look on a stamp. A stamp, for mail… No, not email, mail. Never mind, we’ll explain later.

Now, before we go into your media responsibilities, you must understand the true history of political power, so you don’t accidentally act on the naïve idealism you are required to project to the general public.

Human Livestock – A History of Tax Farming

The reality of political power is very simple: bad farmers own crops and livestock – good farmers own human beings.

This is not nearly as simple as it sounds, hence the need for this manual.

The very first thing to remember is that you are a mammal, an animal, and like all animals, you want to maximize consumption while minimizing effort. By far the most effective way to do this is to take from other people, just as a farmer takes milk and meat from cows.

It goes downhill from there. 

Don’t continue to read the tedious, silly thing over here…