Amazing Display of Cognitive Dissonance by a National Socialist JEW!
Short pro-Hitler essay titled “Under Two Flags” by Heinz Weichardt here…
Note the non-sequiturs and sins of omission.
This should be assigned in psychology classes!
Note the non-sequiturs and sins of omission.
This should be assigned in psychology classes!
Here is Sunday’s homepage:
So said both Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and Rabbi Yosef Eliyahu Henkin (source: Rabbi Ari Enkin in an extremely foolish and deceptive article here).
To be brief, I don’t think this ruling reflects well at all upon Rabbis Feinstein and Henkin.
When Rabbi Chaim Greineman zatzal would say something and was told in response that Rabbi Feinstein, too supports his opinion, Rabbi Greineman would remark that isn’t yet a case against him…
We have written about various things found in Aruch Hashulchan here in the past, as well.
הכי נקראים לאחרונה: