Every once in a while I have the Techeiles talk.
This is the general script I follow:
Tell me something, why do you wear techeiles?
Wrong question. Why don’t you?
You don’t absolutely have to.
Really?! (And see the first page here.)
But the Gedolim…
Gevald, I’m ashamed for your sake. You studied in yeshiva. Even if you were right, is that your best answer?
How numerous those with time aplenty for every possible and impossible sugya… but this one! How curiously uncurious they are; I wonder why!
[Rabbi Breitowitz in a shiur
here (40:10-49:04) says he never understood why the “Gedolim” are opposed. He asks how come we don’t go by “Safek De’oraisah Lechumra” (and adds the chances of a correct identification here are good). And instead of a sneer or calling the genuine Techeiles “Kala Ilan”, the rabbi ends with “Tzarich Iyun”.]
But I’m not great enough to pasken on this anyway?
By what standard?
Rabbi Breitowitz (above) quotes Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky saying if one learned the sugya himself and thinks the Techeiles is genuine he must wear it. Rabbi Toporovitch testifies.