העורך Editor
The British Monarchy Steals the Glory of King David!
Birkos Haftarah:
שמחנו ד’ אלהינו באליהו הנביא עבדך ובמלכות בית דוד משיחך, במהרה יבוא ויגל לבנו, על כסאו לא ישב זר ולא ינחלו עוד אחרים את כבודו, כי בשם קדשך נשבעת לו שלא יכבה נרו לעולם ועד, ברוך אתה ד’ מגן דוד.
Marc Davis wrote back in 2013:
[Here’s Wikipedia on Rabbi Snowman.]…
Looks like little Prince George Alexander Louis—you know, Will and Kate’s kid—may have a date with the knife. Or not. It’s hard to say just yet, though that hasn’t kept Brits from speculating. Seems that royal history points both ways.
For instance, Will’s dad, Prince Charles, was circumcised at Buckingham Palace in 1948 by Rabbi Jacob Snowman, the official mohel of London’s Jewish community. But Snowman wasn’t the first royal mohel. The tradition goes as far back as King George I, who reigned from 1714 to 1727. Years later, believing they descended directly from King David, Queen Victoria had all her sons circumcised, too. And Queen Elizabeth II continued the tradition.
So they claim a false “Divine Right” from the House of David. (They “anoint” their kings, too.)
UPDATE: The coronation ceremony imitates the anointing of King Solomon as described in Sefer Melachim and includes a song about Zadok the priest.
This adds another reason to see the royals before their stolen glory goes back to the owners, Berachos 9b:
… דאמר רבי יוחנן לעולם ישתדל אדם לרוץ לקראת מלכי ישראל ולא לקראת מלכי ישראל בלבד אלא אפילו לקראת מלכי עובדי כוכבים שאם יזכה יבחין בין מלכי ישראל למלכי עובדי כוכבים.
It’s the Time of Year for Mentioning Rabbi Yisrael Salanter…
Here’s a funny story I heard:
Rabbi Yisrael Salanter once passed by a group of Jews eating Chazir, Rachmana Litzlan. So, he wished them “Bon Appétit”.
“But Rebbe, we’re eating Chazir!”
“Yes, and I hope you commit the sin from a good appetite (לתאבון), not out of a spirit of rebellion! (להכעיס)”
No idea if it’s true, but it isn’t מחזיק ידי עוברי עברה at all.