העורך Editor
Robert F Kennedy, Jr Recomends ‘We Are the Prey’ Book
COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, by Peter & Ginger Breggin
‘The Left Pushing and the Right Drawing Close’
Rabbi Moshe Feinstein’s wife is reported to have complained (presumably after his passing) the grandchildren would once bring flowers for Shabbos. Now they brought chumros (stringencies) for Shabbos, instead…
I say: Avoid anyone even potentially thinking a similar thought about you; Provide (the equivalent of) lots of flowers for shabbos.
(Not as a “chumra”!)
Bring Back BIBLICAL Taxation!
Some choice quotes:
Egypt was a massive bureaucracy that extracted 20% from all of its own people…
Today, to get the tax rate back to the tyrannical rate of 20%, the West’s governments would have to cut taxes by 50%.
And again:
To get back to the tyranny of the kings of Israel, the Federal government alone would have to cut taxes by over 50%. That doesn’t count the $400+ billion in borrowed money this year.
Nationally, taxes would have to be cut by 75% to get back to Israel’s self-imposed tax tyranny.
‘Iran, the World’s Leading Terror Sponsor’? Just Another Western Lie
Here are two astute articles debunking the canard.