CPUSA.org General Impressions

After mentioning their site here recently, I took a closer look.

  • I searched for any mention of Mises and the socialist calculation problem. None.
  • I searched for any mention of the Pareto distribution. None.
  • Etc.

The commies display zero understanding of economics, of course.

And they still cling to the labor theory of value, writing of “the working class (creators of all wealth)”.

And most of the ideas seem awfully mainstream.

Why am I surprised?

‘The Left Pushing and the Right Drawing Close’

Rabbi Moshe Feinstein’s wife is reported to have complained (presumably after his passing) the grandchildren would once bring flowers for Shabbos. Now they brought chumros (stringencies) for Shabbos, instead…

I say: Avoid anyone even potentially thinking a similar thought about you; Provide (the equivalent of) lots of flowers for shabbos.

(Not as a “chumra”!)