You’ll Never Guess Why the MSM Sees Nuclear War as Bad: The ENVIRONMENT!

Is anyone surprised humans come second?

Check out The Atlantic…

An excerpt:

But energy is not the only domain that has a direct bearing on whether we have a livable climate or not. So does foreign policy—specifically, nuclear war.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine two weeks ago, that threat has become a lot more real: Many Americans, including artists, climate-concerned progressives, and even a few lawmakers, have come out in support of a “no-fly zone.” But despite its euphemistic name, a no-fly zone means that NATO and the United States issue a credible threat that they will shoot down any enemy plane in Ukrainian territory. This would require U.S. bombing runs into Russian territory to eliminate air defenses, bringing the U.S. and Russia into open war, and it would have a reasonable chance of prompting a nuclear exchange. And it would be worse for the climate than any energy policy that Donald Trump ever proposed.

I mean this quite literally. If you are worried about rapid, catastrophic changes to the planet’s climate, then you must be worried about nuclear war. That is because, on top of killing tens of millions of people, even a relatively “minor” exchange of nuclear weapons would wreck the planet’s climate in enormous and long-lasting ways.

Read the rest here…

הגרח”ק זצ”ל בענין עליה להר הבית בזה”ז

בספר עלינו לשבח על בראשית מהגאון הרב יצחק זילברשטיין שליט”א עמוד תנח כתב שאחד סיפר להגר”ח שנגנב לו ספר תורה, ושאל מה לעשות, השיב לו שבמסכת שמחות (פי”א הל’ י”א) שמי שנאבד לו ס”ת נכנס להר הבית ויקיף בהר הבית, ושאל השואל, הרי זה בזמן בית המקדש ומה שייך לעשות זה כעת, והשיב הר”ח שגם אחרי החורבן אפשר לעשות כן.

(מתוך הספדו של הרב אליהו ובר בהר הבית אתמול)

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(מתוך פורום קדושת ציון)

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