Hyehudi Is Where I Recycle My Failed Arguments…

A friend of mine, whenever I say anything of significance in Torah, he starts denying the universal, unitary, absolute, everlasting nature of Truth, and none of my transcendental arguments make any impression.

So the other day I finally retorted: Do you think Hashem wears more than one pair of tefillin (כביכול)?

It didn’t work on him (sigh), but maybe I can make an impression elsewhere…

‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism’ by Paul Kengor: An Amazon Review

From Amazon

Communism Is Decay and Death, EVERYWHERE It Is Tried

Communism had a nine-figure body count in the twentieth century, and in this volume author Paul Kengor rightly excoriates it as the worst idea in history. It leads to crushing poverty, mass murder, loss of civil liberties, and, of course, no right of exit for those trapped in the evil regimes it establishes, wherever those regimes are established. America has faults, but they are minuscule compared to those of Communist societies. In the West the squalid Communist record has been buried and hidden, especially from our young, and Kengor admirably exposes it in this book.

Kengor provides the basic history of the Communist movement, illustrating that such a terrible system was produced by terrible individuals such as Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and others. He describes Soviet terror and quotes Soviet leaders who acknowledged the obvious, that mass violence and slaughter would be necessary to implement Communism. The author describes the damage that Communism wrought in Russia, China, and the Third World, and notes that such a hideous system actually had adherents in America (and, yes, the CPUSA was run from Moscow).

Because Communism tries to change human nature, it has failed in all of the cultures and climates where it has been tried, and not because “it wasn’t real Communism” or “the wrong people were in charge,” as the more unserious boosters of the system attempt to explain away its failures. Kengor notes that some young people today are so miseducated and naïve that they think that socialism and Communism are merely “people being kind,” but there is nothing kind about Communism or its leaders—elites and the ruling classes in Communist societies never live under the conditions they inflict on everyone else, and the only morality the ruling classes observe is that which serves their own interests. The chief product of Communism, Kengor observes, is death.

Kengor examines socialism and the resurgent interest in Communism in the twenty-first century and describes the reminder (as if the world needed one) of how evil and unworkable Communism is by its recent affliction of Venezuela. The author covers Communism’s modern associated cultural parallel movements, Cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt School.

The final test of Communism is what happens when the gates are raised. If those in the Soviet Union, Cuba, Vietnam, and China had been given a chance to leave in the twentieth century, millions would have fled. Conversely, apart from a tiny handful of eccentrics, no one would have left a capitalist country to go “live” under Communism. This book should be required reading for everyone under 30 today, and those who are interested in further reading can follow the book suggestions offered throughout, especially Kevin Williamson’s “Politically Incorrect Guide to Socialism.”

Thousands of ‘Unseen’ Innocents Murdered by the Terrorists of the TSA

Good intentions by lawmakers often fail to achieve the desired outcomes, because “virtually all public policies alter the relationship between costs and benefits. When the benefits of an action change relative to an action’s opportunity cost, people’s actions also change. And when people change their actions, they may do so in a way that works at cross-purposes with a public policy’s noble intentions”.

As an example, after the 9/11 attacks, the Transportation Security Administration security measures raised the opportunity costs of flying, since people after that had to wait much longer in line. As a result, some shifted to automobile travel. But fatal accidents are much more likely to occur in cars than airplanes, and one estimate is that because of the TSA’s policies, “327 additional automobile deaths occurred monthly for the last quarter of 2001”

(No Free Lunch: Six Economic Lies You’ve Been Taught and Probably Believe by Caleb S. Fuller, pp. 48-52)

Of course, they haven’t stopped even one non-governmental terrorist…

Humans Need Some Boredom

Quote from Rabbi Yehoshua Alt on Torah.org:

A famous Baal Teshuva related how he became religious. He said that he was once traveling to America from Israel and forgot to bring books to occupy himself on the flight. That left him with his thoughts on an 11-hour flight. It was in these 11 hours that he realized that Hashem is reality and decided to begin to live his life according to His will.

(I don’t know who the story is about.)