The Chazon Ish on Beneficial Lashon Hara

From the Daas Torah blog:
Rabbi Alfred Cohen – “Privacy – Halacha and Contemporary Society April 1981 page 68). It is told about Rabbi A. I. Karelitz, known as Chazon Ish (1878-1953). that he loved to reminisce about “gedolim” (outstanding Torah scholars and leaders). and incidents in which they played a role. Now, the Chazon Ish was well-known as a person who had spent decades closeted in his study, filling every minute of every day for years, engrossed solely in learning Torah. How then, could he waste his time in idle chitchat about other Rabbis? But he explained that we learn not only from the formal legal opinions published by brilliant Talmudists, but equally from their casual conversations and from their reactions to ordinary human occurrences. And if sometimes even a revered leader fell short of the ideal in his actions, the Chazon Ish did not hesitate to relate that as well – so that the masses would not blindly follow. (Interestingly, however, one time a visitor launched into a story about a certain public official, and the Chazon Ish held up his hand to stop him. “No, no,” he admonished, “that person is by no means a Gadol, and to talk about him is certainly not allowed; it is only gossip.”[ 15. This is a personal experience ot the Chazon-lsh’s grandnephew, as related to this writer. The Chazon lsh in one of his letters (2:133) notes that once his Shabbat was disturbed since he feared he had spoken evil against a scholar, but assures the reader that it had to be said for one is obliged to know the ways of scholars. However, he admonishes his audience not to add on even an extra word lest he be speaking evil talk against a Torah scholar. ]
See the original article here, including a translation of the famous letter we brought over here.

Short Vort Ignored by Those Who Glorify the State of Pre-Holocaust Jewry…

Rabbi Avraham Dov Ber Kahana Shapiro of Kovna, author of “Devar Avraham”, once explained the decreasing order in Avraham’s prayer for Sedom (fifty good people, 45, 40, thirty, etc.), saying Sedom was just like Kovna, i.e., in a precipitous decline.

So, as time passed, Avraham lowered his estimate of righteous people…

(By the way, Rabbi Shapiro was also part of the “Netzach Yisrael” secret society in Volozhin.)


One Problem With Parental Book Censorship

I have seen many cases where the child understood the book far better than his Divinely-ordained parents…

Children read slower and more thoroughly, and often multiple times, and intuit the genre and culture.

(Not to suggest an alternative, but to point out the reality.)

Methods of Implementation Were, Ummm… Left as an Exercise to the Reader

Here is what was most-read on the site recently:

  1. Yiddy Lebovits – Studied in Satmar, but Called to Eretz Yisrael
  2. A Time for Joy: Rape-Enabling Rosh Yeshiva Lipa Margulies Finally Dies
  3. ספר שדי תפוחים – שני חלקים: אוצר תיקוני עוונות
  4. Rabbi Lazer Brody shlita Abandoned Berland-Supporting Shalom Arush LONG AGO!
  5. לחן רבי ברוך בער זצ”ל: קול דודי דופק
  6. מעט מן האור דוחה הרבה מן החושך – מקור הפתגם
  7. בתורתו של רבי גדליה נדל – להורדה חינם
  8. Meir Pogrow, Adulterer
  9. Did You Know Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s ‘Living Torah’ Is Online?
  10. קונטרס שלום בית Shalom Bayis Booklet
  11. הרוצח מטעם חסידות סקווירא: המחנך חיים ולדר מזהיר בחריפות מפני האדרת דמותו של הרשע חיים ולדר
  12. צריך להיזהר מאד לא לקחת את דברי הגרי”ג שליט”א למקום לא נכון – הרב שמואל אליהו צייטלין מב”ב

Enjoy them all.