‘When Goods Don’t Cross Borders, Soldiers Will’

Quoting Esser Agaroth’s blog:

Following the stone-throwing yesterday: Jews from eastern Gush Etzion today distributed leaflets in a number of shops in the Palestinian village of Tuqu’.
The proclamations read “We warn you that if the stone-throwing is not stopped, we will make sure that no Jew buys nor employs anyone from the village. In addition, we will make sure that no goods are allowed from the village to the Israeli settlements”
https://t.co/DURLAxk08Npic.twitter.com/06HiesaNae — Carmel Dangor כרמל דנגור (@carmeldangor) January 7, 2022
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Have these Jews from Gush Etzion gone insane?! Why do they buy from them and employ them at all in the first place?
You probably did not know this, but very few Jewish towns in Yehudah and the Shomron (Judea and Samaria) adhere to an “Entry To Jews Only” policy.
Do they think that this will bring peace between Israel and the Pseudostinians (Ishmaelites)?

I disagree.
Until and unless we fight as enemies (instead of sparring partners), we should have a cease-fire. Autarky is bad economics.
Besides, what’s the alternative? Jews have no other leverage.

It’s Time to Disinter CW’s Bones Already…

And cast him in the Mechalelei Shabbos section (Kevuras Chamor?). By now, the carcass has surely rotted away (beyond Minhag Eretz Yisrael).

Where are all the letters and protests from everyone?!

  • Good Jews.
  • The widowed and orphaned relatives of his “new neighbors”.
  • Local rabbis.
  • Owners of adjacent cemetery plots.
  • The victims.
  • Dayanim.
  • Et cetera.

I recommend doing this with as much media noise and tumult as possible to mitigate the awful, ongoing Chillul Hashem of the anti-halachic respect given to this Rasha when he perished (both ordered and carried out straight from “The Top”!).

מהרי”ק בשלחן ערוך: תחת יד האומות, יותר מדי שכנים יהודים הם כרודפים

ז”ל שו”ע חו”מ סי’ קנ”ו ז’:

ויש חולקין ואומרים דיכולין למחות בידם בפרט בזמן הזה שדרים תחת האומות ויש לחוש שאם יתוספו הדיורין שיבא לידי קלקול מן האומות ולכן הבא לדור הוי כרודף.


בינו נא זאת שכחי אלוה!