A Short Introduction to the ‘Chemdat Yamim’ Book Controversy

In the Kotzk Blog.

Some excerpts:

Many are unaware just how many of our common practices today are taken from Chemdat Yamim. Sometimes these practices were known before and were simply publicised and encouraged by the book. Other times these practices appear to have been original innovations.

These include:


-The widespread custom of reciting the Psalm LeDavid haShem Ori during the prayers (from the beginning of the month of Ellul until the end of the festive period.)


-The custom of celebrating Tu Bishvat the way many do today with a special Seder for eating fruits.[5]

In Chemdat Yamim it states: “It is a good custom to have many fruits on this day…as I instituted amongst my colleagues…and although it is not found in the writings of the Rav (Ari Zal), in my view it is a good rectification both in the nigleh (revealed) and nistar (hidden worlds).”


-The custom (of some Chassidim) to count the first day of the Omer only after the Pesach Seder and Haggadah have been completed.[7]


-The custom, as included in many siddurim today, to recite the ‘Ke Gavna’ (passages from the Zohar) on Friday evenings after Lecha Dodi.


-The custom to recite the Ribbono Shel Olam on Yom Tov when the Torah is taken out. The verse ‘venacha alav ruach haShem (may G-d’s spirit rest on him)’ is said to have been a reference to Shabbetai Tzvi.


-Some aspects of the Tashlich ceremony on Rosh Hashana are also attributed to Chemdat Yamim.

Follow the omitted footnotes in the original here…

Chananya Weissman Gives the OBVIOUS Answer to Those Calling for Drafting Charedim

Quoting from Chananya Weissman’s recent newsletter (where he includes various videos of the Shmini Atzeres events):

More heroism by those abandoned to Hamas on October 7

Yes, they were abandoned, and yes, it was deliberate. If you can’t accept this because the enormity of the evil is too much for you, or you invested too much in supporting the Erev Rav and their institutions to admit you were conned, that’s your problem, and you’re easy prey.  Their influencers will be happy to provide absurd alternate realities to help you cope and keep you compliant.

In addition, you take their bait and make a brouhaha about yeshiva students avoiding the army, because obviously they’re the real problem.  That’s right; direct your pent up anger and outrage at them, because more yeshiva students in the army that was absent on October 7 would have prevented the “intelligence failure” and resulting massacre, and we need more yeshiva students to get their legs blown off in Gaza along with everyone else. It’s only fair.

There may be more nuance required to answer the question at other times, but to ask this “question” now, of all things?!