‘Daas Torah’ Worse Than Famous, Repeated Papal Bull!

Pope Alexander III (1159-1181) is the author of the oldest extant version of the bull. Excerpts from a translation of the bull follow:
“[The Jews] ought to suffer no prejudice… We grant them the buckler of Our protection.
Too, no Christian ought to presume… to injure their persons, or with violence to take their property, or to change the good customs which they have had until now in whatever region they inhabit.
[All the “treaties” and expulsions endorsed by the “Gedolim” come to mind.]
Besides, in the celebration of their own festivities, no one ought disturb them in any way, with clubs or stones, nor ought any one try to require from them or to extort from them services they do not owe, except for those they have been accustomed from times past to perform.
[Taxes, laws, etc. endorsed by the “Gedolim”.]
…We decree… that no one ought to dare mutilate or diminish a Jewish cemetery, nor, in order to get money, to exhume bodies once they have been buried.
[Isn’t that close to what happened during Gush Katif? Exhume Jewish corpses so Yeshivas will get money?!]

Appealing a Masking Fine In Court – Reader’s Detailed Account

A reader writes in:

i think hayehudi readers will like this story and maybe learn something from it too,
I just went to the Bet Mishpat Hashalom, with all the berland fools hanging around waiting outside, maybe ready to kill for his sake again, I was helping a brother
who had a court case for not wearing a covid mask
the whole place was one big cliche
“Banality of Evil” is a good Journalistic description of the Mood
their Judge looked exactly like you expect!
we got in faster because two people had the smae claim, so they did the second one faster.
instead of considering each one in deliberate way like the tora says
he even believed everything my brother told him, but did that matter?
i tried to explain to judge all about kavanat hamchokek. so its impossible that one has to wear a mask every single second
my brother was busy with little kids, helping them ride bikes and at the crossing needs to make sure they don’t barge into the street
covid is dangerous, well so is kids running into the street OK
but the judge, a very personable person just talked and blabbed about
Averat Matzav, which really means Logic and Context out the window.
he told me himself of a jogger who got or was gonna get a ticket for standing at a traffic light, even though sporting activity is really exempt
from masks
why? because he should have jogged in place or raised up his mask
one could argue also rests need heavy breathing, but so what
in fact, the judge basically asked the Prosecutor if she was willing to let go, of course, she said no.
why should she
we pointed out the street was empty apart from the cops so the prosecuting lady said why aren’t police lives important?
except they were coming close to us and leaving the safety of their car!
altho i didn’t think to mention that, i’m sure that it would have made no difference
i started feeling bad for the judge who was just a rubber stamp for the state’s prosecutor
then i realized the slug usually did get to decide things for himself.
so the trial was a waste of time, altho i did get to see Shimon shisha from Toldos Aharon.
he tried to help.
[he helps get good kids out of the giyus to the Zionist entity] it was good to ask to be judged because it delayed the ticket (Update: without increasing the amount) and they ruthfully let us pay tashlumin (Update: without interest), even though my brother had to waste a morning in their goyish courts

hope this helps others.

Maybe Israel Can Ape RUSSIA For a Change??

To be clear, I do not endorse the Russian state’s cruel, bullheaded way of doing things, even when in the right (אכמ”ל).

But Russia’s “reasonable conservative” approach demonstrates it is still possible to be moral today. Hint, hint (כמתוקנים שבהם לא עשיתם כמקולקלים שבהם עשיתם).

An excerpt from a recent speech by Mr. Putin (L’état, c’est moi), via the Kremlin:

We look in amazement at the processes underway in the countries which have been traditionally looked at as the standard-bearers of progress. Of course, the social and cultural shocks that are taking place in the United States and Western Europe are none of our business; we are keeping out of this. Some people in the West believe that an aggressive elimination of entire pages from their own history, “reverse discrimination” against the majority in the interests of a minority, and the demand to give up the traditional notions of mother, father, family and even gender, they believe that all of these are the mileposts on the path towards social renewal.

Listen, I would like to point out once again that they have a right to do this, we are keeping out of this. But we would like to ask them to keep out of our business as well. We have a different viewpoint, at least the overwhelming majority of Russian society – it would be more correct to put it this way – has a different opinion on this matter. We believe that we must rely on our own spiritual values, our historical tradition and the culture of our multiethnic nation.

The advocates of so-called ‘social progress’ believe they are introducing humanity to some kind of a new and better consciousness. Godspeed, hoist the flags as we say, go right ahead. The only thing that I want to say now is that their prescriptions are not new at all. It may come as a surprise to some people, but Russia has been there already. After the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks, relying on the dogmas of Marx and Engels, also said that they would change existing ways and customs and not just political and economic ones, but the very notion of human morality and the foundations of a healthy society. The destruction of age-old values, religion and relations between people, up to and including the total rejection of family (we had that, too), encouragement to inform on loved ones – all this was proclaimed progress and, by the way, was widely supported around the world back then and was quite fashionable, same as today. By the way, the Bolsheviks were absolutely intolerant of opinions other than theirs.

This, I believe, should call to mind some of what we are witnessing now. Looking at what is happening in a number of Western countries, we are amazed to see the domestic practices, which we, fortunately, have left, I hope, in the distant past. The fight for equality and against discrimination has turned into aggressive dogmatism bordering on absurdity, when the works of the great authors of the past – such as Shakespeare – are no longer taught at schools or universities, because their ideas are believed to be backward. The classics are declared backward and ignorant of the importance of gender or race. In Hollywood memos are distributed about proper storytelling and how many characters of what colour or gender should be in a movie. This is even worse than the agitprop department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Countering acts of racism is a necessary and noble cause, but the new ‘cancel culture’ has turned it into ‘reverse discrimination’ that is, reverse racism. The obsessive emphasis on race is further dividing people, when the real fighters for civil rights dreamed precisely about erasing differences and refusing to divide people by skin colour. I specifically asked my colleagues to find the following quote from Martin Luther King: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by their character.” This is the true value. However, things are turning out differently there. By the way, the absolute majority of Russian people do not think that the colour of a person’s skin or their gender is an important matter. Each of us is a human being. This is what matters.

In a number of Western countries, the debate over men’s and women’s rights has turned into a perfect phantasmagoria. Look, beware of going where the Bolsheviks once planned to go – not only communalising chickens, but also communalising women. One more step and you will be there.

Zealots of these new approaches even go so far as to want to abolish these concepts altogether. Anyone who dares mention that men and women actually exist, which is a biological fact, risk being ostracised. “Parent number one” and “parent number two,” “’birthing parent” instead of “mother,” and “human milk” replacing “breastmilk” because it might upset the people who are unsure about their own gender. I repeat, this is nothing new; in the 1920s, the so-called Soviet Kulturtraegers also invented some newspeak believing they were creating a new consciousness and changing values that way. And, as I have already said, they made such a mess it still makes one shudder at times.

Not to mention some truly monstrous things when children are taught from an early age that a boy can easily become a girl and vice versa. That is, the teachers actually impose on them a choice we all supposedly have. They do so while shutting the parents out of the process and forcing the child to make decisions that can upend their entire life. They do not even bother to consult with child psychologists – is a child at this age even capable of making a decision of this kind? Calling a spade a spade, this verges on a crime against humanity, and it is being done in the name and under the banner of progress.

Well, if someone likes this, let them do it. I have already mentioned that, in shaping our approaches, we will be guided by a healthy conservatism. That was a few years ago, when passions on the international arena were not yet running as high as they are now, although, of course, we can say that clouds were gathering even then. Now, when the world is going through a structural disruption, the importance of reasonable conservatism as the foundation for a political course has skyrocketed – precisely because of the multiplying risks and dangers, and the fragility of the reality around us.

This conservative approach is not about an ignorant traditionalism, a fear of change or a restraining game, much less about withdrawing into our own shell. It is primarily about reliance on a time-tested tradition, the preservation and growth of the population, a realistic assessment of oneself and others, a precise alignment of priorities, a correlation of necessity and possibility, a prudent formulation of goals, and a fundamental rejection of extremism as a method. And frankly, in the impending period of global reconstruction, which may take quite long, with its final design being uncertain, moderate conservatism is the most reasonable line of conduct, as far as I see it. It will inevitably change at some point, but so far, do no harm – the guiding principle in medicine – seems to be the most rational one. Noli nocere, as they say.

Again, for us in Russia, these are not some speculative postulates, but lessons from our difficult and sometimes tragic history. The cost of ill-conceived social experiments is sometimes beyond estimation. Such actions can destroy not only the material, but also the spiritual foundations of human existence, leaving behind moral wreckage where nothing can be built to replace it for a long time.

The rest of the speech is nonsense, of course. See it here…

(Thanks to one of our readers for showing me this.)