Free & Easy Raffle of 1,000$ – Why Not Try?!
All you need to do is secretly cast a Jewish name in a small blue box. (I’m assuming your internet filter blocks any offensive images.)
I wrote: Zev Zelenko. Then hit Enter. How long does that take?
Maybe I’ll get a thousand dollars “to a charity of my choice”. Maybe you will.
It only takes a minute. Go here…
I doubt your choice can have a positive effect, but maybe it “makes a statement” to the GoogleSheets temp, as she edits out the spammy, “offensive” ones, like Dr. Zelenko, Rabbi Tuvia Weiss shlita, Yehuda Epstein, and such.
(“If voting made any difference, it would be illegal”. Last year’s nominee was a circumcised movie director meshumad. But wait, they also plan to honor Rabbi Sacks…)
Try It, You’ll Like It.