העורך Editor
Jews Must Take Over from the State – Then Do the State’s Job!
If you take charge of Meron, then it’s your responsibility, see here. Nor is this is the first time, by far, observant Jews exclude the government, and achieve bad results.
Yes, the cops were at the bottleneck, but who is to say private cops (like the Pinkertons) would be much different? The whole place is unsafe, unregulated by private regulations, either.
One can have a Tragedy of the Commons among various competing organizations, too.
Disclaimer: These are just initial thoughts.
Chazon Ish on the Evil of ‘Opposing Extremism’ on Principle
Although the Rambam writes that in the context of character traits the medium path should be followed, avodas Hashem calls for extremism and lack of compromise.
One rav associated with the Mizrachi asked the Chazon Ish why on the one hand his policy was to attempt to draw the non-religious closer to the way of Torah, by contrast he fought so much against the national-religious Mizrachi party? After all, their followers kept the basics of yiddishkeit, so why quarrel with them?
The Chazon Ish answered as follows: “The non-religious know that they are not following the path of Torah, but their desires prevent them from accepting its yoke. There is therefore a chance to draw them closer to Torah by showing them how sweet it is. The Mizrachi, however, state that they are fundamentally opposed to extremism arguing that they favor the path of peace and so on, and they believe that the path they follow is the path of Torah, whereas in reality it is specifically extremism which prevents compromises. If we were to follow the method advocated by the Mizrachi, the secular population would rule over us and compel us all to give up our religious principles and practices. That is why we fight the Mizrachi. Although not every Jew is capable of being ‘extreme’, those who make a point of fighting against extremism, are responsible for wreaking havoc on klal yisroel.”
- From Rabbi Sternbuch’s English parsha sheet
Some may counter by pointing out examples of “extreme” actions which don’t even fit the Torah. That is to say, things which are not undue stringency, but lazy leniency, especially toward others.
But the point is, the problem is then not enough extremism, correctly understood, instead of “too much”!
Defining the ‘Brisker Derech’
On Rabbi Dovid Lichtenstein’s Halacha Headlines here…
with Rabbi Hershel Schachter – Rosh Yeshivah of YU and talmid of Rav Soloveitchik – 49:01
with Rabbi Lictenstein – Rosh Yeshivah and grandson of Reb Chaim – 1:00:02
with Rabbi Ezra Rodkin – Rosh Yeshivah of Pe’er Hatorah, Rov of Zichron Yaakov Slomo V’Chava, Talmid Muvhak of Reb Dovid Soloveichik – 1:05:22
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