A reader writes to the editor:
[re Corona etc.] “… I’m doing my best to hang on. I do not think this ends until the entire fiat monetary system collapses into dust. At that point, the “constitutional” law systems of the goyim will be obliterated completely and their societies will disintegrate as they will have nothing culturally to fall back on.
“And we will have to fall back on the Torah. In a very real way, The Torah is the only thing that can keep this country together. The zionists will fall with the rest of the paper money, and we will have to figure out what we are going to do.
“Geula is scary as hell.”
So, we all need a Doula’s New-Mommy Course!
- You need to deliberately “lean into it”.
- View the pain as the direct price for the upcoming gift (or “baby”).
- Utilize the breaks in between contractions to the maximum.
- Stay present (try to refuse\delay extreme drugs…).
- Keep breathing deeply by the clock.
- Express your fears.
- Remember the Adrenaline.
- Etc.
Don’t let the natural fear confuse you!
(Not that I’m any better at following these instructions than others! Still, I feel obligated to use this platform to state the obvious.)