‘To the Doctor With a Needle, Everything Sounds Like CORONA’
A teenage friend had virus-like symptoms and a sore throat. He also got the silly automatic call (חקירות אפידמיולוגיות טכנולוגיות) from the Shabak spies because his phone passed next to a “confirmed” Corona patient. So, he was told to stay far away from the “selfless” government doctors and just wait (and wait and wait…!) for a Corona test. And stay under lockdown.
He refused the test (אכמ”ל) but stayed inside. Meanwhile, he wasn’t getting better. Then a relative had the unoriginal idea of looking down his throat. One glance and it turned out he has strep, not Corona. But he was not being treated with antibiotics, because he was never even examined, let alone tested…
Streptococcus is a lot more dangerous than Shekerona!
(Of course, no matter what happened, you can be sure this would become a Corona statistic. Heaven help us.)
Moral: Corona excepted, you are on your own. More so than ever.
P.S., I’m too upset to do this scandal justice here (and I’m probably getting details wrong).