What’s Worse: Repaying Small, Interest-Free Loans or a High-Interest Mortgage?

Assuming no Ribbis problems, of course.

Paying back one Gemach with another (“Gilgul Chovot”) is more expensive. There are exchange rates to deal with because some loan Gemachim work with another currency. There are the travel expenses. There is time lost when one could be earning money. And there is the natural tendency to use some of the money for oneself when there is “extra” left over between loans.

So I heard in the name of an expert who helps debtors.

Do Rishonim Always Know the Metzi’us?

No, of course not. There is such an opinion regarding Chazal, but not for the Rishonim.

This has bearing on questions of Techeiles, Kazayis, and so on.

Rabbi Meir Mazuz recently quoted this in a lecture.

רש”ש כתובות ז’ ב’:

בא”ד כדאמרינן הלל ושמעון כו’… ודע דהמאור עינים בפ’ נ”א ונ”ב הוכיח בראיות עצומות שמונבז והילני אמו לא היו מזרע בית חשמונאים כי אם גרי צדק בכמו כ”ה שנים קודם חורבן הבית וכ”כ בסה”ד בשם היוחסין. וא”כ א”ש הורוה ב”ה כפשטיה.

In other words, Rashi just assumed.