Some Rules for Interviewing the Right

  1. It’s all about personal appearance. Look good, keep the camera on you, and focus on the interviewee at a bad angle and\or “monster lighting”.
  2. Act as both a personal victim and a defender of victims.
  3. Speak with imperious aggression.
  4. Make accusations and wrinkle your nose at any response.
  5. Give more time when the answer is short and unimportant, and almost none when the answer is long and crucial.
  6. Seize on the first few words uttered to attack.
  7. Never acknowledge any good remarks.


At What Price?

If you believe the doctors, nothing is wholesome; if you believe the theologians, nothing is innocent; if you believe the military, nothing is safe.

Lord Salisbury

Always weigh the risks.

Does Legalized Same-Sex Marriage Invoke the Punishment of a Flood?

So some say…

Gemara Chulin 92a-92b:

וישקלו את שכרי שלשים כסף… עולא אמר אלו שלשים מצות שקבלו עליהם בני נח ואין מקיימין אלא שלשה אחת שאין כותבין כתובה לזכרים ואחת שאין שוקלין בשר המת במקולין ואחת שמכבדין את התורה.

OK, so that Gemara doesn’t say much.

Let us quote Bereishis Rabbah 26:4 instead:

רבי הונא בשם רבי אמר, דור המבול לא נימוחו מן העולם עד שכתבו גמומסיות לזכר ולבהמה.

But no one treats animals as capable of entering into a contract, even via court-custodian (although I think there might be some exceptions in the Arka’os regarding inheritance).

OK. Well, they can still quote Vayikra Rabbah 23:9:

רב הונא בשם רבי יוסי אמר דור המבול לא נמחו מן העולם אלא ע”י שכתבו גומסיות לזכר ולנקבה.

Still, the government isn’t us. Otherwise, as Rothbard says, the Holocaust was mass Jewish suicide, and that doesn’t make much sense. Democracy doesn’t reflect the will of the people (except, maybe, on taxes).

Most people aren’t on board with the state’s relativistic/humanistic agenda. They just don’t care. The public definition of marriage has not yet changed at all.

History rhymes, but doesn’t always repeat itself.

Go slower on the eschatology!