A Compilation of Hyehudi’s Articles About Sukkos

Based on a quick search:

Pray with Your Hands!

קדושת ציון – מוסף מיוחד *למנויים בלבד* לכבוד סוכות ה’תש”פ

ביטול מצות סוכה בזכות המדינה

Don’t Say ‘Ya’aleh Veyavo’ Out Loud

טיול בחג הסוכות: הרב יצחק ברנד חולק על הרב פיינשטיין

Stop Distorting Chanukah: Judaism Is NOT Pacifist!

יעלה ויבוא מן התורה מנין

הכותב שתי אותיות בשבת ובחול המועד

Succot: Rejoicing in the Midst of Instability

Why Does the Mishna Call Myrtle Berries ‘Grapes’?

יעלה ויבוא מן התורה מנין

Spurious Hiddur in the Esrog

Some Strange Minhagim

מדריך הלכתי מקוצר לסוכות במקדש

בענין סוכה קטנה

re: Are My Aravos Kosher?

חקיך לא שכחתי

Meta-Halacha: Is Accidental National Sin Impossible?

כמה חזקה המסורת באתרוגים?

מה זה גוד אסיק? מה זה לבוד? מה זה דופן עקומה? מה זה…

That’s all for now, folks.

McCain Deserves ZERO Sympathy!

Doug Casey explains why, in brief, understated fashion.

Here’s the main bit:

When the Vietnam War came to an end in 1973, there were negotiations between Henry Kissinger and the Vietnamese government about US POWs. At the time, it seemed very certain that there were a couple thousand American POWs being held by the Vietnamese. But only about 500 of them returned to the United States. The other 1,500 or so were kept in North Vietnam.

[Editor’s note: This article is a good summary of the situation.]

Justin: And why was that?

Doug: It seems they were held as a bargaining chip. The Vietnamese expected war reparations for the immense damage that the Americans inflicted on their country.

The negotiations on the terms of their repatriation bogged down; the US didn’t want to pay the indemnity Hanoi demanded. And after a while, neither the Vietnamese nor the Americans wanted to acknowledge these people. They were an embarrassment for both governments. So the assumption is that they quietly died in prison. Maybe they simply “disappeared.”

But we’ll never know the truth because McCain was instrumental in making sure that the records of what happened were buried. We may never know what happened to those real or alleged POWs. They’re hidden behind a veil of secrecy now.

Justin: Why would he do that?

Doug: Who knows? Well, McCain knew. And that’s important because his entire political career is built on his Vietnam War record. And yet, his military record is completely unexceptional. Or even some place between undistinguished and shameful. But it’s hard to know the facts.

Read the rest over here

The Chareidi Passive Reformists

How much different is סוף השמדת התורה (to paraphrase the Brisker Rav) – the active reform of the Reform movement – from the passive reform of mainstream Chareidim?

I mean, how would you describe the following attitude to our current state of קיום התורה והמצוות?
A recent event publicized in Kedushas Tzion was disgraced with the stated “הרגשת הלב” of a prominent, scholarly speaker claiming as follows: If there is a מצוה we are למעשה not performing, and we don’t really feel emotionally connected to it, better leave it alone…
This incredulous idea was purported to be a legitimate reason behind the Chareidi neglect of Techeiles (תכלת). It was also used to claim an ideological disinterest in חידוש הקרבת קרבנות, safely decided what was to be the “proper” conclusion of any responsa on the topic. Nor is this sort of opinion too rare.
(This also happens to be the speaker’s approach to several other such matters, especially fake head-coverings for women.)
What will be?!
Now a protest was written up in the latest “Kedushas Tzion”, #35 pages 17-19. Check it out.
[I was helped in writing this by a reader.]