You Can Stop Reading Nesivos Shalom Forever After One Sentence
The first sentence of the topic in extra-halachic works often discloses their underlying assumptions.
Here is the first sentence of the first chapter in Nesivos Shalom discussing Bein Hametzarim:
חז”ל אמרו שואלין ודורשין בהלכות המועד, ונכלל בזה שבכל זמן מיוחד אצל יהודים צריך ללמוד ולהתעמק מה משמעותו והנצחיות שבו.
This is a statement of fact. And you can find many similar ones in this genre. And it is factually incorrect. When Chazal said שואלין ודורשין בהלכות המועד, they meant what they said, and they said what they meant. “Halachos” means laws and nothing but laws.
Everything wrong with these extra-Jewish systems (Maharal, Chovos Halevavos, Chassidus) is subsumed in this one embarrassing sentence.