At Least Canaanite Yericho Didn’t Require a Business License for Itinerant Pottery Salesmen…

Unlike today. See Rashi Yehoshua 2:1. Maybe it wasn’t a big enough threat to local businesses.

By the way, did the king ask her to politely remove the spies, instead of invading her property (Yehoshua 1:3), because she was an important woman\a blackmail threat (since she knew the noblemen and kings and their secrets), just like certain people are treated differently until today, or because they had some decency, unlike today?

Rabbi Yitzchak Brand Tackles the Shidduch Crisis

The countless mitzvos in getting married are shoved aside in favor of pride and peripheral religious issues with full Rabbinic sanction. The “Shidduch Crisis” is caused by truly distinguished Roshei Yeshivah who unabashedly encourage their students to delay the age of Shidduchim, thus wrongly preferring the entire Yeshiva’s benefit over the Torah study and observance of individual man and women.

And as a symptom of the imbalanced present approach to money matters, the youth are made to reject any Shidduch that does not include a “deserved” apartment. Destitute fathers can hardly marry off their daughters without pledging money they don’t have — and are unable to obtain — without taking out questionable loans.

See Rabbi Brand’s masterful overview of the halachos hot off the press here: המצווה להתחתן, והעיכובים.

Government Monopolies: You Can’t Have It Both Ways…

The argument for decriminalizing nonviolent alternatives to government services is always the same unbeatable ‘Mimah Nafshach’ (technical or ethical)?

  • If the government program in question is doing such a splendid job, why need it fear competition from nongovernmental alternatives?
  • And if the government program in question is not doing such a good job, why should anyone object to its replacement?

(Based on a quote from Milton Friedman)