Ve’ahavta Lerei’acha Kamocha – Where That Story Comes From…

As told by Aristoxenus, and after him Cicero (De Offic. 3.45), Diodorus Siculus (10.4), and others, Pythias and his friend Damon, both followers of the philosopher Pythagoras, traveled to Syracuse during the reign of the tyrannical Dionysius I (r. 405–367 BC). Pythias was accused of plotting against the tyrant and was sentenced to death.

Accepting his sentence, Pythias asked to be allowed to return home one last time, to settle his affairs and bid his family farewell. Not wanting to be taken for a fool, the king refused, believing that once released, Pythias would flee and never return.

Damon offered to take his spot while he was gone. The king agreed, on the condition that, should Pythias not return when promised, Damon would be put to death in his place. Damon agreed, and Pythias was released.

Dionysius was convinced that Pythias would never return, and as the day Pythias promised to return came and went, Dionysius prepared to execute Damon. Just as the executioner was about to kill Damon, though, Pythias returned.

Apologizing to his friend for his delay, Pythias told of how pirates had captured his ship on the passage back to Syracuse and thrown him overboard. Dionysius listened to Pythias as he described how he swam to shore and made his way back to Syracuse as quickly as possible, arriving just in time to save his friend.

Dionysius was so pleased and astonished with their friendship that he pardoned them both. It was also said that Dionysius then sought to become their third friend, but was denied.

Another version says that it was a test planned out by Dionysius and his courtiers. The Pythagoreans were known for their claimed moral strength and superiority. Courtiers of Syracuse believed that they were fakes, while others disagreed. The plan was devised to test the Pythagoreans’ moral strength in a time of crisis.

From Wikipedia

Pay for an Effective Lawyer!

Note well: I did not say a “good” lawyer…

“Free” jailhouse lawyers end up costing more than you would guess. Logically, the Bar Association is a state-protected guild, so no matter what happens in court, “The House Always Wins“.

A great lawyer or team of lawyers does not ensure victory. Madoff, Olmert, Katzav, Ramon, and others had great lawyers, too, and they still went to jail. However, you must have quality representation, not freebies. When one side has a real lawyer, and the other side has special, “loving and caring” non-profit amateurs, the result is usually foreknown. It may even be worse than presenting yourself (pro se representation).

One overlooked reason for this bias (although not the main one) is the judge himself is always an ex-lawyer. When the judge sees you haven’t spent enough for a high-class lawyer, your refusal to value his prior/present craft offends his sensitive feelings, so he gets even. If you find that hard to believe of those phony paragons of pagan injustice in robes, you fell for the authoritarian propaganda.

Don’t think “Beggars can’t be choosers”! If you’re in state court, you’re already in a pickle.
Sometimes you need to spend a little to not spend a lot. Count the cost (דרך קצרה שהיא ארוכה) of not spending money upfront.
[Based on a letter I wrote recently.]

Mishlei on Uncertainty

אל תתהלל ביום מחר כי לא תדע מה ילד יום
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what the day will bear.
Risk is theoretically measurable, uncertainty is not. In modern Hebrew, these are אי ודאות, אי בטחון, respectively.