The Ten Commandments Do Not Mention Stealing!

For the last time…

Rashi Shemos 20:13:

לא תגנב, בגונב נפשות הכתוב מדבר לא תגנובו בגונב ממון או אינו אלא זה בגונב ממון ולהלן בגונב נפשות אמרת דבר הלמד מענינו מה לא תרצח לא תנאף מדבר בדבר שחייבין עליהם מיתת בית דין אף לא תגנוב דבר שחייב עליו מיתת בית דין.

Rashi Vayikra 19:11:

לא תגנבו, אזהרה לגונב ממון אבל לא תגנוב שבעשרת הדברות אזהרה לגונב נפשות דבר הלמד מענינו דבר שחייבין עליו מיתת בית דין.

Israeli Government Office Unexpectedly Closed for Today

The whole premise of government offices is certain things cannot be left to the flux of private vagaries and circumstances; indeed their budget sizes are linked to specific standards they “must” supposedly uphold.

Hence the outrage to see government offices frequently closed for the employees’ personal reasons, with no advance warning. You make the trip and see a handwritten sign on the door pretending to ask your kind indulgence for the sole employee’s family emergency. Much-maligned, profit-seeking private enterprise is less likely to do such a thing, yes, because they want to make money.

(It’s not always a sudden emergency, either. But no one cares about finding a replacement in advance.)

To, sum up, government thugs criminalize and hinder competing provision of a service, then grant it poorly themselves. The government has no incentive to please anyone because taxes are taken by force.

Apathetic Israeli Regime Accuses Jews of Apathy

In controlled media mouthpieces.

Here’s what Rothbard said about gun control in For A New Liberty p. 144:

If we wish to encourage a society where citizens come to the aid of neighbors in distress, we must not strip them of the actual power to do something about crime. Surely, it is the height of absurdity to disarm the peaceful public and then, as is quite common, to denounce them for “apathy” for failing to rush to the rescue of victims of criminal assault.

In Israel, it’s far worse, as much self-defense is effectively criminalized. The enemy is not the Arab with the knife at all, but the cops and courts that swoop down on you later.

On Avoiding words Originating in Greek Mythology

Is this “לא ישמע על פיך”?

It appears to me, without research, this is nothing but righteous piety (maybe less). Words like “Sisyphean and “Martial” and perhaps “heroic” come from “Avoda Zara Shebatlah”. שמור לי בצד ע”ז פלוני presumably refers to one still used.