העורך Editor
Limmud Zechus for Not Doing Keriyah at Makom Hamikdash?
See Mishneh Halachos 6:110, based on his reading of the Radbaz.
A Recent Tu Beshvat Conversation
Someone complained the special Tu Beshvat fruits often “disappear” well before Tu Beshvat arrives.
I told him not to worry.
See, Tu Beshvat is largely a Chassidic holiday, anyway, and Chassidim believe the Hachana for the Mitzvah is greater than the Mitzvah itself…
I Hate Reading Autobiographies of Jewish Converts!
Their passion makes me wonder whether I’m really Jewish…
Why Is Tyranny the Status Quo?
Answer: Milton Friedman’s “tyranny of the status quo“…